Emotional Intelligence, Social Support and Academic Burnout Among University Students
emotional intelligence, social support, burnout, Burnout Inventory for University Students (BIUS), university studentsAbstract
The study conducted aimed to investigate the interplay between emotional intelligence, social support, and academic burnout among University of Malaya students enrolled in the Faculty of Education. Specifically, it sought to discern any notable disparities in emotional intelligence and burnout concerning gender, as well as differences in social support and academic burnout across various socioeconomic statuses. Additionally, the research endeavored to explore the correlations between emotional intelligence, social support, and burnout in university students. A quantitative survey design was employed, with convenience sampling chosen to enlist Bachelor's Degree students from three departments within the Faculty of Education, resulting in 257 participants, including 20 male and 237 female students. Descriptive analyses revealed a mean age of 1.50 among participants. Three main instruments were utilized: the Emotional Intelligence by Schutte, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and the Burnout Inventory for University Students (BUIS). Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and inferential methods via JAMOVI and SPSS version 23 software. The findings indicated no significant gender-based differences in emotional intelligence and academic burnout. Similarly, socioeconomic status did not show a significant association with social support and academic burnout. However, there was a noteworthy moderate negative correlation between emotional intelligence and academic burnout (r = -0.442, n = 257, p < .001), as well as between social support and academic burnout, rho = -0.323, p = < .001). This study provides valuable insights for future academic endeavors concerning emotional intelligence, social support, and academic burnout.
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