A Case Report on a Change in Diagnosis from Autism to Language Disorder
Autism spectrum disorder, language disorder, assessment, diagnostic decision-making, misdiagnosisAbstract
This report presents the case of a patients with nickname Al, who was evaluated for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The diagnosis is supported by comprehensive assessments that examine his psycho-social, cognitive, and adaptive functioning. His low score in the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale and Social Responsiveness Scale suggests his ASD symptoms were below threshold. His performance in the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence and Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale was opposite to children with ASD but consistent with children with language disorder. The change in Al’s diagnosis may be accountable by optimal outcome in ASD or misdiagnosis. Therefore, this case illustrates the significance of applying evidence-based assessments in diagnosing neurodevelopmental conditions.
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