The Relationship between Hopelessness, Extraversion Trait and Academic Achievement among Undergraduate University Students


  • Iman Farhana Mohd Fadzil Muin Faculty of Human Development, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tanjong Malim, Perak, MALAYSIA
  • Asma Perveen Faculty of Human Development, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tanjong Malim, Perak, MALAYSIA



Hopelessness, extraversion, academic achievement


The focus of the study is to find relationship between extraversion, hopelessness and academic achievement among University students. The study was conducted using cross-sectional survey design among the undergraduate students (n=137) of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). Among participants, 105 (76.6%) were female, while the male participants were 32 (23.4%). The five factor of personality traits was used to measure through 8-items out of 44-items Big Five Inventory (BFI), the hopelessness level was measured through 20-items true and false questionnaire of Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS). The Pearson r values’ result showed that there is negative correlation between hopelessness and the extraversion (r = -.162), and there is a significant negative correlation between hopelessness and academic achievement (r = -.177*). These findings proved that there is negative relationship between hopelessness, extraversion and academic achievement. The increased score of hopelessness will reduce the extraversion and academics achievement.  In conclusion, this study emphasized of the vital roles of each traits of personality that might influenced the level of hopelessness among individuals and their academic achievement. The study indicates that a precise and strategic precautions by the educators and students should be applied through interventions’ programs in campus, counselling sessions and guidance to enhance their hope and academic achievement.


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How to Cite

Mohd Fadzil Muin, I. F., & Perveen, A. (2020). The Relationship between Hopelessness, Extraversion Trait and Academic Achievement among Undergraduate University Students. Evaluation Studies in Social Sciences, 1(1), 44–53.