Taxonomic Significance of Trichome Ultrastructure in Five Genera of Lamiaceae
SEM, Trichomes, Glandular, Non-glandular, Lamiaceae, UltrastructureAbstract
The trichome of 12 species from five problematic genera of the Lamiaceae family, comprising Petraeovitex bambusetorum, Petraeovitex membranacea, Petraeovitex wolfei, Petraeovitex scortechinii, Petraeovitex trifoliata, Peronema canescens, Congea forbesii, Congea griffithiana, Sphenodesme racemosa, Sphenodesme triflora, Sphenodesme pentandra, and Rotheca serrata was investigated under scanning electron microscope (SEM). This study aimed to assess their ultrastructure and ascertain their respective taxonomic value accordingly. Two types of glandular trichomes, specifically peltate and capitate, and three types of non-glandular trichomes, namely multicellular uniseriate, stellate, and conical were thus observed. The stellate type of non-glandular trichome was solely found in S. pentandra among the 12 studied species, while the data further demonstrated both Congea species to reflect the multicellular uniseriate structure on the respective leaf surfaces, whereas C. forbesii depicted the longest length size among others at 600 µm. In the case of P. canescens and R. serrata, both were found to be with compact trichomes on both surfaces. Going forward, new data on trichome types, distribution, and size, particularly of these 12 studied species, would provide useful guidance for infrageneric classification.
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