Problem Posing in Mathematics Education Research
Problem posing, Mathematics education research, Conceptualization, Systematic literature review, EmpiricalAbstract
Problem generation is a versatile technique for creating and organizing mathematical problems. The first experimental study on problem posing was done in 1989 by Edward Silver with funding from the US National Science Foundation. Since then, this field has grown rapidly and gained attention from researchers. This study aims to investigate how problem posing is conceptualized and studied empirically in mathematics education research. This study was conducted based on two databases, Scopus and Web of Science. There are two phrases for search terms: problem posing and mathematical. Eligibility criteria to include literature in the study are: articles published in peer-reviewed journals in English, between the years 2017 and 2022, about mathematics, and are empirical research. The findings of the study show that from a conceptual perspective, problem posing is defined as the creation of new problems and the reorganization of existing problems based on the given situation. There are several approaches that can be used in problem posing, such as the use of games, manipulatives, or real-life applications. Problem posing also involves four main processes, namely editing, selection, comprehension, and the translation process. The findings of this study are expected to provide a more complete view of the concept of problem posing and provide guidance for teaching and learning mathematics in the classroom.
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