Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

AJELP: The Asian Journal of English Language and Pedagogy follows the editorial guidelines recommended by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE). Papers will be accepted or rejected on the basis of importance in the field, originality and clarity of writing. In addition, the alignment with the stated scope and remit of the journal will be evaluated.

AJELP: The Asian Journal of English Language and Pedagogy is double blind peer reviewed. The editorial processes follow standard procedures thus:

          Call for submissions
          Article submissions and acknowledgements
          Initial evaluation
          Allocation of reviewers based on article content
          Reviewing process
          Author re-submissions if necessary
          Further editing and processing
          Evaluation for publication

Code of Conduct for Authors

          Authors must follow the published guidelines as set out on this website [Link].
          The submitted article must be unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
          Plagiarism checks will be carried out by AJELP, but authors are expected to    ensure that originality and
          correct citation processes are followed.
          Copyright for images, etc, are the responsibility of the author.
          A copyright transfer form must be completed.
          The identity of reviewers will not be disclosed to authors.

Code of Conduct for Reviewers

Code of Conduct for Editors

Code of Conduct for Publishers