Looking for Russian – Tagalog Lexical and Grammatical Equivalents


  • Elena G. Frolova Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University, Russia 125009, Moscow, 11, Mokhovaya Str.




situational model of translation, lexical and grammatical equivalents, demonstrative pronouns, kinship terms, the Russian language, the Tagalog language


Analysis of lexical and grammatical equivalents in different languages is an essential and necessary aspect of acquisition of command of a foreign language and translation as a type of speech activity. To do it properly a student must understand that distribution of various components of meaning in languages can differ and word by word translation can cause losses of information that should be compensated by some other means that can be both lexical and grammatical. The Tagalog and Russian languages often use various sets of constituents of meaning in words to describe the world around and the content expressed grammatically in one language can be expressed lexically in the other. The fact that Tagalog is one of the agglutinative languages while Russian is an inflectional language makes the process of translation even more complicated. This article is an attempt to show some differences and similarities in semantic and grammatical components in several groups of words in Tagalog and Russian. Understanding of these peculiarities of the languages can make translation easier for the students.


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How to Cite

Frolova, E. G. (2024). Looking for Russian – Tagalog Lexical and Grammatical Equivalents. PENDETA, 15(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.37134/pendeta.vol15.1.fa.1.2024



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