On the most significant change of teachers’ evaluation: A descriptive-narrative research
Child-friendly, classroom evaluation, competence enhancement, creativity enhancement, transformative learningAbstract
This study aimed to explore transformative shifts resulting from teacher evaluations. Employing a descriptive-narrative research design, sixteen teachers in Bontoc I and II districts, Southern Leyte, Philippines were purposively sampled using thematic analysis on survey questionnaires. The instruments aimed to capture participants' experiences related to classroom physical aspects, teaching methods, and teaching portfolios. Data gathering involved formal permissions sought from the Division Office, District Supervisors of Bontoc Districts I and II, and school principals. Findings revealed noteworthy changes, including the promotion of child-friendly environments, enhanced readiness and creativity, the perceived irrelevance of evaluations during the pandemic, and the emotional, financial, and physical strains experienced by teachers. Significant changes in instruction were identified, such as competence enhancement, the promotion of coaching and mentoring culture, and observations of pandemic-related ineffectiveness. Notable changes in teacher portfolios included self-reflection spurred by evaluations and challenges in the teacher evaluation process. The study concluded that while teacher evaluation positively impacted teaching environments, fostering creativity, it also imposed strains on teachers, presenting both positive and negative effects. Recommendations included encouraging teachers to view evaluation positively for professional development and proposing a Department of Education (DepEd) training program to enhance the mentoring and coaching capabilities of school heads, recognizing their pivotal role in the teacher evaluation process.
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