Problem-solving performance and subject preference: Math avoidance among Filipino elementary preservice teachers
Mathematics education, mixed-method study, teacher educationAbstract
Elementary preservice teachers (EPTs) substantially impact the quality of mathematics education, and their subject preference and problem-solving performance are essential indicators of their readiness to teach. The study described EPTs’ subject preference and problem-solving performance. Through a sequential explanatory research design, the quantitative inquiry involved 125 random samples, while the qualitative inquiry was participated by 30 non-random samples. Data were obtained by using an online survey and conferencing. Quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and analysis of variance, whereas qualitative data were themed accordingly. The EPTs displayed unsatisfactory problem-solving performance and preferred to handle subjects other than math. Besides, the analysis found no significant performance differences with the EPTs’ subject preferences. Further, the EPTs who preferred to teach mathematics expressed their confidence in mathematics. Meanwhile, the EPTs who preferred other subjects displayed math avoidance. The study revealed an alarming result indicating that the EPTs are unprepared for teaching. As agents in cultivating the nation’s mathematics education status, these EPTs must be equipped with fundamental content knowledge. It is suggested that educational decision-makers take measures to address the issues identified concerning EPTs’ readiness to teach mathematics successfully.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jupeth Toriano Pentang, Ronalyn Maguale Bautista, Jairus Toriano Pentang, Edwin Daniega Ibañez, Mary Jane Dancil Gamozo

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