Assessing content validity of preschool teacher's creative teaching instrument for children's language arts: A Study based on CFTI (Creativity Fostering Teacher Index) using the Content Validity Ratio (CVR)
Instrument, Creative teaching of preschool teachers, Content Validity Ratio, ExpertAbstract
Creative teaching is one of the important aspects in the process of teaching and learning language arts in preschool. Accordingly, this study aims to test the aspect of content validity of preschool teachers' creative teaching instrument for children's language arts in Malaysia using the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) method. The goal is to ensure that the measurement instrument is suitable for use in the context of children's language arts. The study was conducted through written and online questionnaire surveys. Fifteen experts consisting of professional experts and field experts were selected through a purposive sampling technique. These experts possess expertise in early childhood education and children's language arts. The validity process of the instrument involved 56 items with three main constructs. Based on the quantitative findings of the study, it was found that the instrument has good content validity with 50 items reaching the minimum level of CVR value (N=15, CVRcritical = 0.506). Six items that do not reach the minimum CVR value improved. All 56 remaining items were refined as the final instrument. The findings of the study also demonstrated that this instrument is relevant and has the potential to be an effective tool for measuring creative teaching among preschool teachers. It is recommended that a pilot study be conducted and the data analyzed using statistical analysis such as the Rasch Model, to provide a more in-depth analysis of the items.
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