Perception of Softskill among UPSI Students (89 - 108)


  • Abd. Kadir Arifin


Perception of students, life skills, a survey using questionnaire


The purpose of this study was to review students ‘perception about soft skills through human aspect, spatial, time and orientation. 60 students from semester three and four participated in this study. There are 30 males and 30 females.The study was conducted using questionnaire which contained 5 (five): a) respondent's background b) human aspects, c)spatial aspect d) time and e) orientation. Each aspect represented 6 categories of the answer which was 1) spiritual, 2) hierarchy level/heredity, 3) relationship/correlation, 4) individualistic, 5) external support/service and 6) materialistic. Data analyzed descriptively through t-Test trough SPSS software (Statistical Package for Social Science) to view mean distribution, frequency percentage, and standard deviation. Results showed 43% of respondent choose spiritual in human aspect, while 32% choose relationship/correlation in the aspect of spatial, 43% of respondent give priority in the aspect of time through relationship/correlation categories, while 39% of them said that orientation aspect was important in the individualistic category. However, there was differentiation of perception between males and females, where mean distribution for females was higher than males towards soft skills.


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How to Cite

Arifin, A. K. (2019). Perception of Softskill among UPSI Students (89 - 108). Jurnal Pendidikan Bitara UPSI, 2, 89–108. Retrieved from