A Measuring Relationship of Children Nutritional Status Toward Cognitive Development in Aceh
Children's Nutritional Status, Cognitive Development, Early ChildhoodAbstract
Growth implies a change in body size, structure, and shape to be more related to physical changes. Growth can be interpreted as a quantitative change, as a result of external or environmental influences. Factors that influence the growth and development of early childhood are genetic or hereditary. Cognitive ability is a whole individual to take purposeful actions, think rationally, and deal with the environment effectively.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between children's nutritional status and early childhood cognitive development in Banda Aceh Municipality, Aceh Province, Indonesia.
A cross sectional study was conducted by using quantitative research method, with a total sample of 62 children age 4 to 6 years old. This research was aimed to determine if there is relationship between children nutritional toward children cognitive development and if there was a correlation between these two factors. The data were collected by using a questionnaire disseminated with a google form before a treatment is conducted toward samples. This research took place in Banda Aceh Municipality, Aceh Province, Indonesia.
The results of this study illustrate that 53.20% early childhood children in Banda Aceh Municipality were in normal nutritional status based on Z-score. 24.20 % of children is at fat level whereas 9.70% is at thin level and the rest is very thin at 6.50%. On the other hand, these children cognitive development showed that none are at good level and from 62 samples, there was 69.36 % is at moderate category, and 30.64 % is at poor category of cognitive development. From the calculation of P value of 0,204 with alfa score at 95 %, it showed that there was a positive relationship between children nutritional status toward their cognitive development.
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