Cutting Skills and its Effects on Preschool Children’s Writing Skills

Kemahiran Menggunting dan Kesannya terhadap kemahiran menulis Kanak-kanak Prasekolah


  • Nor Az Zahraa Ahmad Tarmidi Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, MALAYSIA
  • Kamariah Abu Bakar Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, MALAYSIA



scissor skills, writing skills, fine motor, children, preschool


This concept paper aims to understand the scissor skills among preschooler and its impact on their writing skills. Scissor skills are one of the fine motor skills that preschool children need to master. Proper scissor skills can help children use their fine motor muscles in mastering other skills. Scissor skills are among the skills that are difficult for preschool children to master every year. Children’s fine motor development can be enhanced through cutting activities because it involves muscle control as well as hand-eye coordination. Children who do not master scissor skills show poor fine motor control which in turn affect other motor skills such as writing skills. Appropriate training and demonstration activities can help improve children’s scissor skills. There is a positive effect on the development of children at a later stage especially in activities involving fine motor control if they mastered scissor skills while in preschool.



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How to Cite

Ahmad Tarmidi, N. A. Z., & Abu Bakar, K. (2022). Cutting Skills and its Effects on Preschool Children’s Writing Skills: Kemahiran Menggunting dan Kesannya terhadap kemahiran menulis Kanak-kanak Prasekolah. Jurnal Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak Kebangsaan, 11, 13–21.