Use of infographics as teaching and learning tools: Survey of pre-service teachers’ knowledge and readiness in a Nigerian university
Infographics, Pre-service teachers, Knowledge, Readiness, UniversityAbstract
As technology continues to drive the 21st Century, educational systems are not left out as teachers are expected to learn new technologies and their applications in education. Pre-service teachers in Nigerian universities are expected to, among other training, be conversant with modern pedagogies to prepare them for their profession. Given the fact that pre-service teachers can only use the skills they possess, this study examined their knowledge and readiness to use infographics as teaching and learning tools. The design was descriptive. The study sample comprised of three hundred and thirteen (313) final year pre-service teachers in a University of Education in Nigeria. “Knowledge and Readiness to Use Infographics Tools Questionnaire (KRUITQ)” (r = .84) was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using Mean, Standard Deviation, and One-Way ANOVA. The study found that pre-service teachers do not know about infographics as educational tools, and therefore not ready to use them during in-service. There were also no significant differences in knowledge and readiness across gender. Based on these, the teacher education curriculum needs to be upgraded to incorporate training on modern digital technologies for teaching and learning as necessitated by constant changes in the 21st Century education system.
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