“Tonton dan Belajar”: Integrasi Edpuzzle dalam Subjek Kaunter Hadapan
“Watch and Learn”: The Integration of Edpuzzle in the Front Office Subject
Edpuzzle, pembelajaran kendiri, e-pembelajaran, Front Office, persepsi, kesediaan pelajarAbstract
Edpuzzle telah digunakan sebagai platform e-pembelajaran bagi pelajar operasi perhotelan yang mengambil subjek Front Office di Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani. Tiga objektif kajian iaitu untuk mengenal pasti i) tahap kefahaman pelajar mengenai konsep e-pembelajaran di Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani; ii) persepsi pelajar terhadap penggunaan aplikasi Edpuzzle dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Front Office; dan iii) tahap kesediaan pelajar Front Office Kolej Komuniti Sungai petani terhadap penggunaan Edpuzzle dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Sampel responden terdiri daripada 49 orang pelajar Operasi Perhotelan yang mengambil subjek Front Office. Soal selidik digunakan sebagai instrumen kajian untuk mengukur tahap kesediaan responden dari segi persepsi pelajar dalam menggunakan aplikasi Edpuzzle dalam pembelajaran. Berdasarkan dapatan yang diperoleh, kefahaman pelajar mengenai konsep e-pembelajaran di Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani berada pada tahap tinggi dengan jumlah min 4.09 dan sisihan piawai 0.688. Seterusnya, persepsi pelajar terhadap penggunaan Edpuzzle dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran berada pada tahap tinggi (M=3.96) dan (SD= 0.816). Seterusnya, tahap kesediaan pelajar Front Office Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani mengenai penggunaan Edpuzzle berada pada tahap tinggi. Kajian yang dijalankan telah membuktikan pembelajaran menggunakan aplikasi Edpuzzle berjaya meningkatkan tahap kesediaan responden dalam subjek Front Office. Justeru, penggunaan platform ini diharap dapat membantu pelajar Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani menguasai pembelajaran Front Office dengan lebih baik.
Edpuzzle has been used as an e-learning platform for hotel operations students taking the Front Office subject at Sungai Petani Community College. Three objectives of the study are to identify i) the level of students' understanding of the concept of e-learning in Sungai Petani Community College; ii) students' perceptions of the use of Edpuzzle applications in the teaching and learning of Front Office; and iii) level of readiness of students of Front Office Sungai Petani Community College for the use of Edpuzzle in teaching and learning. The sample of respondents consisted of 48 Hotel Operations students who took the subject of Front Office. Questionnaires were used as research instruments to measure the level of readiness of respondents in terms of students' perceptions in using Edpuzzle application in learning. Based on the findings obtained, students' understanding of the concept of e-learning at Sungai Petani Community College is at a high level with a total mean of 4.09 and a standard deviation of 0.688. Furthermore, students' perceptions of the use of Edpuzzle in teaching and learning are at high levels (M = 3.96) and (SD = 0.816). Next, the level of readiness of Sungai Petani Community College Front Office students on the use of Edpuzzle is at a high level. Studies have proven that learning using the Edpuzzle application has succeeded in increasing the level of readiness of respondents in the subject of Front Office. Therefore, the use of this platform is expected to help Sungai Petani Community College students master Front Office learning better.
Keywords: Edpuzzle, self-learning, e-learning, Front Office, perceptions, student readiness.
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