Cultural sensitivity scale for early childhood educators: Development and validation


  • Ayşe Duran Yılmaz Department of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, Adıyaman University, Adıyaman, Turkey
  • Esra Ömeroğlu Department of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Gazi Education, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey



cultural sensitivity, early childhood educators, cultural sensitivity scale


This study aimed to create and validate a scale for early childhood educators that reflects the cultural sensitivity of educators in classrooms. We collected data from 403 early childhood educators in Adıyaman, Turkey. Experts' assessments were consulted for content validity, and EFA and CFA were done for the reliability and validity of the scale. The internal consistency coefficient was calculated based on the reliability of the study. The result of scale development was a 29-item, 3-factor scale that shows evidence of reliability, validity, and practical usability for further research. The three factors of the Cultural Sensitivity Scale for Early Childhood Educators consist of "acceptance of cultural differences," "adaptation of cultural differences," and "rejecting cultural differences." The relationship among subscales was tested and it was seen that the sub-dimensions of 'Acceptance of Cultural Differences' and 'Adaptation to Cultural Differences' were positively related to each other and that these two sub-dimensions were negatively and significantly related to the sub-dimension of 'Rejecting Cultural Differences'. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) also confirmed the results of EFA. Factor analysis results show ed that the scale had three factor and Cronbach a was .743.


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Author Biography

Esra Ömeroğlu, Department of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Gazi Education, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey




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How to Cite

Duran Yılmaz, A., & Ömeroğlu, E. (2023). Cultural sensitivity scale for early childhood educators: Development and validation. Southeast Asia Early Childhood Journal, 12(1), 117–127.