Development and Perception of Trainee Teachers on Salt-UNO Card Game for Salt Topic
Game Based Learning, Salt, Design, Content, Usability, Card GameAbstract
Game-based learning is an effective teaching strategy to improve students’ academics, increase motivation and involve students more actively during learning and facilitation. This study was conducted to develop Salt-UNO Card game for Form Four Salt topic. This study also aims to determine the value of game content validity, game feature validity and game perception from the aspects of design, content and usability. The research design of this study is developmental study. Instructional design model used to develop Salt-UNO Card game is the ADDIE Model. The instruments used in this study are game content validity evaluation form, game feature validity evaluation form and game perception questionnaire. A total of two chemistry lecturers were appointed to assess the validity of the game content and two game field lecturers were appointed to assess the validity of the game feature. The respondents for the pilot study were 31 semester seven trainee teachers of the Bachelor of Education (Chemistry) programme. A total of 201 semester one until semester six trainee teachers of the Bachelor of Education (Chemistry) programme were involved in the field study to identify the perception of the game. Cohen kappa value for content validity of the game is 1.00 and the validity of the game feature is 0.84. Field study findings show that trainee teachers' perceptions of game design, game content and game usability is good. In conclusion, the Salt-UNO Card game has a satisfactory values of game content validity and game feature validity. Perceptions of the game also gained good feedback from the trainee teachers. Implication of the study is the use of Salt-UNO Card game during the learning and facilitation process is very suitable and useful to help students in the learning of Chemistry subject especially in Salt topic.
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