Exploring the factors that influence students' interest in using Scratch to learn coordinate Geometry: An integrated model based on the Technology Acceptance Model


  • Isaac Bengre Taley Department of Mathematics and ICT, Mampong Technical College of Education, Ghana.
  • Akwasi Amponsah Department of Mathematics and ICT, Mampong Technical College of Education, Ghana.
  • Henry Kpai Department of Mathematics and ICT, Mampong Technical College of Education, Ghana.




Scratch, Coordinate geometry, interest, usefulness, usability


Prior studies have shed important light on the considerations of students' decisions to accept and apply educational technologies to their learning. However, from the instruction perspective, the more crucial concern is how students decide on actions that may increase interest in and successful utilization of educational technologies. Research on using Scratch to help students acquire knowledge in coordinate geometry, which mathematics instructors have found difficult for students to understand, is scarce in the literature. To fill this gap in the literature, an integrated model based on the technology acceptance model was created to explore factors that influence students' interest in using Scratch to learn coordinate geometry. This study showed that students' situational interest in Scratch was predicted by their perceptions of usefulness, usability, and behavior intention irrespective of their gender, grade, accessibility to technology tools, and learning preferences. The results also suggested that the association between perceived usefulness and situational interest was positively mediated by perceived ease of use and behavior intention. These research findings have important implications for instructional decision-making on Scratch implementation in mathematics education.


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How to Cite

Taley, I. B., Amponsah, A., & Kpai, H. (2024). Exploring the factors that influence students’ interest in using Scratch to learn coordinate Geometry: An integrated model based on the Technology Acceptance Model. Journal of ICT in Education, 11(1), 24–44. https://doi.org/10.37134/jictie.vol11.1.25.2024