Kaedah Flipped Learning terhadap minat, penglibatan, dan kefahaman pelajar Ekonomi

Flipped Learning Methods towards Interest, Involvement, and Understanding of Economics Student


  • Raja Kumari Vijayakumaran Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
  • Ramlee Ismail Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
  • Norasibah Abdul Jalil Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris




flipped learning, minat, penglibatan, kefahaman


Flipped learning (FL) adalah strategik pembelajaran aktif yang melibatkan pembelajaran dan pemudah cara (PdPc) sebelum, semasa dan selepas. Teknologi menjadi alat bantu mengajar (ABM) bagi membantu guru dan pelajar meneroka dan berkongsi maklumat melalui aplikasi tertentu seperti whatsapp, google dll lagi . Selain itu cara penyampaian pengajaran dan pembelajaran turut berubah kepada bentuk video, animasi dan tayangan. Malah PdPc melalui teknologi lebih berbentuk kreatif dan menarik. Maka bagi melaksanakan FL, teknologi menjadi elemen utama dalam melaksanakan kaedah FL bagi tujuan penyampaian pembelajaran yang menarik, kreatif, berinput tinggi dan mudah di kongsi antara satu sama lain. Sejajar dengan cadangan dalam Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan 2015 FL meningkatkan penggunaan teknologi dalam pendidikan dan meningkatkan kemahiran berfikir kritis pelajar. Keberhasilan murid dapat dilihat dari pencapaian, kreativiti dan inovatif pelajar. Pembelajaran harus berlaku dimana-mana sahaja dan bila-bila masa sahaja.  Maka FL merupakan pembelajaran yang sesuai berikutan ia boleh dilaksanakan di dalam dan di luar bilik darjah dengan penglibatan pelajar secara maksimum dalam PdPc manakala guru sebagai pemudah cara bagi membantu pelajar. Teknologi yang dibincangkan berbentuk audio, visual, grafik, animasi dan teks.   Objektif kertas  kajian ini membincangkan hubungan antara kaedah FL dengan minat, penglibatan dan kefahaman pelajar dalam pembelajaran dan perbezaan pencapaian antara kumpulan konvensional dengan FL. Kaedah kuasi eksperimen berbentuk kuantitatif digunakan. Instrumen ujian pra dan pasca digunakan bagi melihat perbezaan antara kumpulan kawalan dan rawatan. Ujian  soal selidik merangkumi 20 soalan menggunakan 5 skala likert digunakan ke atas 44 responden pelajar terlibat dalam kajian ini bagi kumpulan kawalan dan rawatan. Data yang di peroleh di analisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) version 26.0. Hasil kajian di analisis menggunakan kolerasi pearson, sisihan piawai dan min . Hasil kajian menunjukkan nilai yang signifikan dalam pelaksanaan FL. Pelajar berminat mengikuti PdPc dengan melibatkan diri secara aktif dalam pembelajaran dan membina kefahaman sendiri. Pada masa yang sama pencapaian pelajar turut meningkat. Melalui artikel ini memberi ruang kepada kajian akan datang dengan mengenal pasti isu dalam mengaplikasikan kaedah FL. Artikel ini menjadi rujukan bagai kajian akan datang berkenaan FL. 



Flipped learning (FL) is an active learning strategy that involves learning and facilitation (PdPc) before, during, and after. Technology becomes a teaching aid to help teachers and students explore and share information through certain applications such as WhatsApp, Google, etc. again. Apart from that, the way of teaching and learning has also changed to the form of video, animation, and show. The learning process using technology encourages creativity and is more interesting. So to implement FL, technology is a key element in implementing FL methods for the purpose of delivering knowledge that becomes more interesting, creative, high -input,  and easy to share with others. In line with the recommendations in the 2015 Education Development Plan FL increases the use of technology in education and improves students ’critical thinking skills. Student success and capability can be seen in student achievement, creativity, and innovation. Learning should go on anywhere and anytime. FL is appropriate learning as it can be implemented inside and outside of the classroom with student involvement in the learning process, while the teacher as a facilitator to guide the students. The technologies discussed in studies are in the form of audio, visual, graphics, animation, and text. The objective of this research paper is to discuss the relationship between the FL method with students ’interest, involvement, and understanding in the learning process and achievement differences between the conventional and FL groups. Quantitative quasi -experimental methods were used. Pre-test and post -test instruments were used to look for differences between the control and treatment groups. A questionnaire test consisting of 20 questions using 5 Likert scales was used. There are 44 students as respondents involved in this study for the control and treatment groups. The data obtained were analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) version 26.0. The results of the study were analyzed using Pearson Correlation, standard deviation, and mean. The results show a significant value in the implementation of FL. Students are interested in pursuing the learning process by actively engaging in learning and building their own understanding. At the same time, student achievement also increased. This article provides space for future studies by identifying issues in applying the FL method. This article serves as a reference for future studies on FL.


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Author Biography

Ramlee Ismail, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Fakulti pengurusan ekonomi (UPSI)


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How to Cite

Vijayakumaran, R. K., Ismail, R., & Abdul Jalil, N. (2022). Kaedah Flipped Learning terhadap minat, penglibatan, dan kefahaman pelajar Ekonomi: Flipped Learning Methods towards Interest, Involvement, and Understanding of Economics Student. Journal of ICT in Education, 9(1), 32–47. https://doi.org/10.37134/jictie.vol9.1.4.2022