E-Learning in Institute of Higher Education in Malaysia
e-learning, generation Y, culture, Hofstede's cultural model, educationAbstract
This paper review to focus the relationship between Generation Y students and Malaysian cultural factors within the context of an e-learning application. E-learning is defined as the use of electronic media in learning. Meanwhile, Generation Y is defined by the internet and is a connected global generation. The results of these studies on Generation Y culture may differ from those obtained from research focusing on Generation Y and cultural nuances separately. Hofstede's multicultural model is used in this study to better understand the unique cultural nuances of Malaysian Generation Y students. Every dimension of Hofstede's cultural model has been adapted to the context of e-learning in Malaysia. This review also explores whether both Generation Y and culture influence the student usage of e-learning education. This model can be utilized as a guide for e-learning developers to create an appropriate pedagogy for Generation Y students in higher educational institutes in Malaysia.
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