Penjelasan Identiti Asas Pengaturcaraan dan Perubahan Konseptual Melalui Adegan Permainan

Basic Programming Identity Explanation and Conceptual Changes Through Game Scenes


  • May Asliza Tan Zalilah Fakulti Seni, Komputeran & Industri Kreatif, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia



adegan permainan, pembelajaran berasaskan permainan, perubahan konseptual, asas pengaturcaraan


Pembelajaran melalui adegan permainan adalah satu pendekatan pembelajaran berasaskan permainan. Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran menggunakan adegan permainan lebih menarik dan berkesan kerana pendekatan ini seolah-olah hidup dengan aktiviti permainan yang disediakan. Pelajar akan mengalami sendiri  dunia penceritaan permainan yang dilaksanakan. Artikel ini mengupas penjelasan identiti asas pengaturcaraan dan perubahan konseptual melalui adegan permainan dengan menilai motivasi dan pengalaman pelajar. Seramai 55 responden terdiri daripada pelajar Semester 3 bagi program Sijil Aplikasi Perisian Komputer (SAPK) di Kolej Komuniti. Motivasi dan pengalaman pelajar diukur dengan merujuk instrumen IMI (intrinsic motivation inventory). Dapatan kajian dianalisis berpandukan statistik ujian-T dan deskriptif untuk mendapatkan kekerapan dan peratusan dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Science. Hasil kajian menunjukkan pelajar bersetuju bahawa penggunaan adegan permainan dalam menjelaskan identiti asas pengaturcaraan dapat memberi motivasi dan pengalaman pembelajaran yang sangat baik.

Learning through game scenes is an approach of game-based learning. The process of teaching and learning using game scenes is more interesting and effective as this approach seems to live with the game activities provided. Students will experience their own world of game storytelling. This article examines the identity explanation of basic programming and conceptual changes through game scenes by assessing students' motivation and experience. A total of 55 respondents comprised of Semester Three students for Computer Software Application Certificate (SAPK) program at Community College. Motivation and student experiences are measured by referring to the IMI (intrinsic motivation inventory) instruments. The findings of the study were analyzed based on t-test and descriptive statistics to obtain the frequency and percentage using Statistical Package for Social Science. The results show that students agree that the use of game scenes in explaining basic programming can provide excellent motivation and learning experiences.


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How to Cite

Tan Zalilah, M. A. (2018). Penjelasan Identiti Asas Pengaturcaraan dan Perubahan Konseptual Melalui Adegan Permainan: Basic Programming Identity Explanation and Conceptual Changes Through Game Scenes. Journal of ICT in Education, 5, 48–57.