The Effectiveness of Project Based Learning with Computational Thinking Techniques in a Software Engineering Project Course
Project-based learning, Computational thinking, Software engineering education, Software projectAbstract
To date, finding the most effective method to teach SE students is extremely challenging. This study used the project-based learning approach which applies computational thinking techniques by engaging students via inquiry based, hands on and student centric in teaching the software engineering Project course to students enrolled in a software engineering program. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the project-based learning approach as an innovative pedagogical method to improve software engineering students’ skills in three critical domains, namely practical, knowledge, and soft-skills. Seventy students’ skills and knowledge of various aspects of software engineering before and after the learning intervention were compared using the t-test. They were guided to carry out a software engineering project in several groups. Survey questionnaires consisting of close and open-ended questions to probe various aspects of software engineering, namely project planning, requirement analysis, software design, developments, and presentation, were administered to the students after the learning intervention. The results showed the differences in students’ skills and knowledge in the above aspects of software engineering were significant, signifying that the project-based learning––computational thinking approach is an effective approach to help students learn such aspects of software engineering more efficaciously and boost cooperative learning.
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