Factors Contributing to Perak’s Youth Buying Behavior During the Covid-19 Endemic Phase


  • Choh Siek Yen Faculty of Arts and Social Science, University Tunku Abdul Rahman
  • Ha Wen Xin Faculty of Arts and Social Science, University Tunku Abdul Rahman
  • Lua Sze Yee Faculty of Arts and Social Science, University Tunku Abdul Rahman
  • Lee Xue Yun Faculty of Arts and Social Science, University Tunku Abdul Rahman
  • Aini Shahirah bt Badri Shah Faculty of Arts and Social Science, University Tunku Abdul Rahman
  • Teh Su Yen Faculty of Arts and Social Science, University Tunku Abdul Rahman


Buying behavior, Psychological factor, Social factor, Economic factor


People’s lives have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. It has changed the pattern of human life and forced people to change their lives. The government of Malaysia has enacted a 14-day Movement Control Order (MCO) to stop the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. Resulting, people were staying home, which has made online shopping very popular. As the situation improves, Malaysia has shifted from a pandemic to an endemic stage.  Therefore, this research aims to understand youth buying behavior at the endemic stage of Covid-19. Also, to identify the relationship between factors and the gratification of youth’s buying behavior. The quantitative research method was used for this study, and an online survey was distributed to 356 Perak residents between the ages of 15 and 24. The purposive sampling method was used. The findings identified three major factors influencing consumer purchasing behavior among youth in the Covid 19 endemic phase: psychological, economic, and social factors. All hypotheses are consistent with earlier research and findings and show a positive relationship between factors and the gratification of youth purchasing behavior. According to the results, most respondents are students without income who enjoy and are satisfied with visiting online stores due to influences such as family and friends and price discounts.


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How to Cite

Yen, C. S., Xin, H. W., Yee, L. S., Yun, L. X., Badri Shah, A. S. bt, & Yen, T. S. (2024). Factors Contributing to Perak’s Youth Buying Behavior During the Covid-19 Endemic Phase. Journal of Contemporary Issues and Thought, 14(2), 43–49. Retrieved from https://ojs.upsi.edu.my/index.php/JCIT/article/view/10255