Perceived Cultural Ecosystem Services Benefits among Working Communities in Urban Green Space: Penang Botanical Gardens
Penerimaan Manfaat Perkhidmatan Ekosistem Budaya dalam Kalangan Komuniti Bekerja di Kawasan Hijau Bandar: Taman Botani Pulau Pinang
Green Spaces, Benefits, Cultural Ecosystem Services, Working Community, CitiesAbstract
The existence of green spaces in the city is one of the crucial elements in the context of sustainable cities and communities. The growing urban population in the world today paints a clear picture of rapid development and progress in urban areas. This explains the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily activities, which can lead to a stressful life. Therefore, the city's green areas and natural ecosystems can rebalance the lives of working communities in the city. This preliminary study was conducted to identify the benefits of the community working in the city through the concept of cultural ecosystem services. Twenty-four respondents in the working community were selected as a sample of the study. A set of questionnaires containing 15 question items was prepared using the Likert scale. The results showed positive results on the benefits of cultural ecosystem services received (mean overall = 3.52) for the parameters used in this study, namely recreation and health, aesthetic value, spirituality, social interaction, education, and nature exploration. In conclusion, urban green areas are crucial in offering various benefits of cultural ecosystem services to rebalance urban working communities' well-being and quality of life. However, ongoing research is necessary to assist the planning and management of green areas to understand the need for the benefits of cultural ecosystem services required by urban communities.
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