Peer Review Policies


Our journal practices professional peer review in order to ensure that only high-quality articles are published. Key characteristics of the peer review process are listed below:

1. Initial manuscript evaluation: All manuscripts are initially evaluated by the Editor. Manuscripts will be rejected if they do not fit within the scope of this journal, or if they contain spelling mistakes, errors in punctuation or grammar, or serious scientific flaws.

2. Type of peer review: GEOGRAFI uses double-blind reviewing where the reviewer and the author remain anonymous throughout the process. Typically, manuscripts are submitted to two (2) experts in the field for review.   

3. Selection of the reviewer: Reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the field.

4. Reviewer reports: Reviewers are asked to evaluate whether the manuscript merits publication based on several key points, such as originality, identification of a research gap, strong introduction and conclusion, methodological soundness and correct referencing of previous relevant work.  

5. Duration of the review process: The Editor’s decision will be sent to the corresponding author within six (6) weeks of the manuscript submission date with comments made by the reviewers.   

6. Final report: A final decision to accept, reject or reconsider the manuscript will be sent to the corresponding author along with any issues highlighted by the reviewers. The revised manuscript must carefully consider all issues highlighted in the reviewers’ comments, outline every change made point-by-point, and provide suitable rebuttals for any comments not addressed.

7. Editor’s decision: The final decision to accept or reject the manuscript is under the purview of the Editor based on advice given by the reviewers.