传统与现在的拉锯: 网络小说《后宫如懿传》中的女性形象与女性意识

Confrontation Between Tradition and Modernity:The Female Image and Female Consciousness in the Internet Novel Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace


  • Connie Chee Ming Wong Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tanjong Malim, Perak, MALAYSIA




网络小说, 《后宫如懿传》, 女性意识, 女性形象, 再现



In recent years, court themes have been loved by the public, especially female characters. This can not only glimpse the reader's interest orientation, but also glimpse the novelist's creative intentions, what is the reproduction of female image shaping and the female consciousness? Does this reproduction have the support of a realistic basis or condition? For example, the original novel Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace is very popular among readers. The novel constructs a feudal autocratic patriarchal society, women of the harem exist as tools for ‘serving the emperor and prospering the children’ and they are in an extremely passive state in a relationship between the sexes. However, with the change of the times, the status of women has gradually improved, and many classic female figures have followed the growth rules from simple to complex, from obscurantism to awakening. For example, Ru Yi always had great expectations of the emperor in the early period, and no matter how hurtful the emperor said, she firmly believed that the emperor loved her. It was not until the later period when various contradictions between Ru Yi and the emperor appeared, such as the emperor listened to imperial astronomer say that Ru Yi killed their son, mistakenly thought that Ru Yi had an affair with his bodyguard Ling Yun Che etc, then she realized that the emperor had changed become suspicious and selfish. At the end of the story, Ruyi chooses to cut a line with the emperor by cutting his hair, and sticks to the good oath he took with the emperor to die. From the above examples, we can see that Ruyi innocently guarded her love with the emperor from the beginning, to the emperor’s various misunderstandings about her later, which prompted her to awaken her sense of autonomy. Therefore, this article mainly uses the online novel Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace as an analytical text, hoping to analyze what kind of female characteristics are through the female characters in the novel text, subverting the standards set by people in ancient times for “femininity”, and further explaining how the creation of online novels reproduces the characteristics of modern women.

 Keywords: Internet novels, Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace, Feminine consciousness, Female image, Reproduce


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李小江:《女性审美意识探微》(1989)郑州: 河南人民出版社。









梁文蓁、陈宜宜:《 台湾近十年教育领导硕博论文的分析:女性主义的观点》(2000),《妇女与两性学刊》,第11期。




How to Cite

Wong, C. C. M. (2022). 传统与现在的拉锯: 网络小说《后宫如懿传》中的女性形象与女性意识: Confrontation Between Tradition and Modernity:The Female Image and Female Consciousness in the Internet Novel Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace. ERUDITE: Journal of Chinese Studies and Education, 3(2), 71–90. https://doi.org/10.37134/erudite.vol3.2.5.2022