Implementation of Problem Based Learning Approach Culturally Responsive Teaching to Enhance Engagement and Learning Outcomes in Algebraic Function Limit Material


  • Deny Hadi Siswanto Master of Mathematics Education, Ahmad Dahlan University, Indonesia
  • Hary Kuswantara Master of Mathematics Education, Ahmad Dahlan University, Indonesia
  • Nur Wahyuni Master of Mathematics Education, Ahmad Dahlan University, Indonesia



PBL, CRT, Activeness, Learning results, Algebraic function limits


This research aims to evaluate the engagement and learning outcomes of students through the Problem Based Learning model with a Culturally Responsive Teaching approach, particularly in the topic of algebraic function limit system. Based on observations and interviews conducted at Muhammadiyah Mlati High School, it was found that students in the eleventh grade of Social Sciences were less active in participating in mathematics classes, which are part of the mandatory curriculum based on the 2013 Curriculum. This study utilized the Classroom Action Research method conducted in three cycles. Each cycle included planning, implementation, observation, and reflection stages. The observation results indicated an increase in learning activity with a score of 56.25% in the first cycle, 72.13% in the second cycle, and 91.38% in the third cycle. This increase in learning activity correlates with the improvement in students' learning outcomes, where the N-gain value in the first cycle was 0.48 (medium category), 0.51 in the second cycle (medium category), and 0.56 in the third cycle (medium category), indicating that the success indicator (≥75.00) has been achieved. Thus, this research is considered successful and concluded at the end of the third cycle.


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How to Cite

Siswanto, D. H., Kuswantara, H., & Wahyuni, N. (2024). Implementation of Problem Based Learning Approach Culturally Responsive Teaching to Enhance Engagement and Learning Outcomes in Algebraic Function Limit Material. EDUCATUM Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology, 12(1), 80–88.