Development of A Structural Model with Multicollinearity and Outliers Problems

Pembangunan Model Berstruktur Bermasalah Multikolinearan dan Data Pencilan


  • Zulkifley Mohamed
  • Rozie Rosli


Structural Equation Model, Partial Lesat Squares, Robust Variance, Academic Performance Structural Model


Structural Equation Model (SEM) based on a Partial Least Squares (PLS) method is amongthe best methods used to develop educational models involving structural relationshipof some latent variables. Despite the important role that PLS has played in developingeducational models, few attempts have been made to modify the method of its estimation.This paper describes the development of an education model by using the modified methodin estimating the parameter’s model, namely Robust PLS. This study improved the methodfor estimating the latent variables through the use of robust variance. The new modifiedmethod attempted to solve two main problems in modeling namely multicollinearity andoutliers. To test the effectiveness of Robust PLS, the academic performance model basedon Robust PLS and Conventional PLS were compared. The study revealed that the SEMbased on Robust PLS (Robust SEM-PLS) is better than SEM based on ConventionalPLS (Conventional SEM-PLS) when the problems of multicollinearity and outlier in the developed model exist.


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How to Cite

Mohamed, Z., & Rosli, R. (2014). Development of A Structural Model with Multicollinearity and Outliers Problems: Pembangunan Model Berstruktur Bermasalah Multikolinearan dan Data Pencilan. EDUCATUM Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology, 1(1), 38–52. Retrieved from