Modified Synthesis of Edge ScrolledReduced GrapheneOxide with High Surface Area


  • R. Rajesh
  • K. Balkis Ameen
  • K. Rajasekar


acid treated graphite, reduced graphene oxide, high surface area


Synthesis of graphene with the high surface area has been very attractive for various energy storage applications. In this work, we describe a scalable method for producing edge scrolled reduced graphene oxide (r-GO) with the high surface area by modified Hummer’s method. Strong acid treated graphite flakes were used to synthesis reduced graphene oxide. Few layered, edge scrolled reduced graphene oxide was obtained by low temperature (200℃) thermal treatment in a hydrogen atmosphere. The formation of few layered graphitic structure of reduced graphene oxide was confirmed by TEM analysis. The specific surface area of the reduced graphene oxide was measured by nitrogen adsorption technique. The reduced graphene oxide derived from acid treated graphite flakes exhibits high surface area (~ 500 m2/g) than non acid treated graphite flakes (214.4 m2/g).


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How to Cite

Rajesh, R., Ameen, K. B., & Rajasekar, K. (2016). Modified Synthesis of Edge ScrolledReduced GrapheneOxide with High Surface Area. EDUCATUM Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology, 3(1), 1–5. Retrieved from