Firdaus Journal <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Firdaus Journal [eISSN 2821-3165]</strong> is an ASEAN journal which encourages academic discussions and the journal focuses on cross-disciplinary studies that integrate the field of <em>Islamic studies</em> and other field such as <em>Science, Technology, Education, Language and Literature</em>. The journal is published <strong>twice a year (April and October start 2024)</strong> and is published in electronic form.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Firdaus Journal </strong>supports<strong> Open Access. The electronic full text version of the journal is available Free of Charge (FOC).</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><img src="" alt="" width="110" height="43" /></p> Pejabat Karang Mengarang UPSI en-US Firdaus Journal 2821-3165 Islamic Education Management in the Perspective of the Quran and Hadith <p style="text-align: justify;">Before the word management became familiar in the world of education, Islam already recognized an orderly life structure with the presence of a leader (Caliph). In the Quran there are also verses that explain the principles of Islamic education management, namely the verses of the Quran which mention monotheism, caliphate, and trust which are the main keys to character formation in an organization or institution that has the same goal. The Quran is the main source of law for Muslims, and is a guide in living life, as well as a guide for all humans, while the Hadith or Sunnah is the second source of law after the Quran which functions as an explanation, which comes from words, deeds and decrees of the Prophet Muhammad. This research aims to examine the views of the Quran and Hadith regarding Islamic Education Management. This research uses a library research method with a thematic approach (tafsir maudhu'i). The results obtained from the literature review, it turns out that there are many verses from the Quran and hadith that mention Islamic education management, although it cannot be denied that in discussions of Islamic education management it is still related to the term POAC, namely Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling, which is a function in management.</p> Dwi Puji Amalia Ahmad Manshur Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Puji Amalia, Ahmad Manshur 2024-04-27 2024-04-27 4 1 1 6 10.37134/firdaus.vol4.1.1.2024 Towards Harmony in Religious Education: Integrating Moderate Islamic Values through the Three Centers of Education <p class="abstract-text" style="text-indent: 0cm; line-height: normal;"><span lang="EN-GB">This research aims to examine the internalization of moderate Islamic values in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning through the collaboration of tri-center education at MI Kalifa Nusantara and Al-Hijriyah Elementary School. The method used is a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study type. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research show that both educational institutions internalize moderate Islamic values, including moderation (<em>tawassuth</em>), tolerance (<em>tasammuh</em>), fairness (<em>i'tidal</em>), balance (tawazzun), purification (<em>tajrid</em>), renewal (<em>tajdid</em>), honesty (<em>shidiq</em>), and deliberation (<em>shura</em>). The internalization process is carried out through three stages, namely value transformation, value transactions, and value transinternalization using various methods such as lectures, discussions, examples, habituation, supervision, and evaluation. The implications of internalizing moderate Islamic values can be seen in students' attitudes and behavior which reflect the embodiment of <em>ukhuwah Islamiyah</em>, <em>ukhuwah basyariyah</em>, and <em>ukhuwah wathaniyah</em> at MI Kalifa Nusantara, as well as understanding Islam as din al-hadharah at Al-Hijriyah Elementary School. However, this internalization process needs to be carried out sustainably and consistently by involving synergy between schools, families, and communities. This research provides an important contribution to the discourse on the internalization of moderate Islamic values in PAI learning, although further research with a broader scope is needed. Ultimately, the internalization of moderate Islamic values requires support from all elements of society to build an Islamic civilization that is <em>rahmatan lil 'alamin</em>.</span></p> Misbahuddin Mauhibur Rokhman Muhammad Anas Ma`arif Copyright (c) 2024 Misbahuddin, Mauhibur Rokhman, Muhammad Anas Ma`arif 2024-04-27 2024-04-27 4 1 7 17 10.37134/firdaus.vol4.1.2.2024 Awareness and Attitude of Islamiyyah Schools of Inclusive Education in South West, Nigeria <p>This study assessed the Awareness and Attitude of Islamiyyah Schools on Inclusive Education in South West, Nigeria. This study adopted descriptive research design. The population consists of all the teachers and school leaders available in all Islamiyyah Schools in South west, Nigeria out of which five Islamiyyah Schools (30 across all states), 25 respondents (150 across all states) were selected as using disproportionate random sampling technique. The instruments used for collection of data is a self-constructed questionnaire titled "Questionnaire on Awareness and Attitude of Islamiyyah Schools on Inclusive Education in South west, Nigeria (QAAISIESWN). The study reveals a notable low level of awareness among Islamiyyah schools regarding inclusive education. The findings underscore a critical need for targeted awareness campaigns and policy reforms to align with the principles of inclusivity in among Muslim youth schools in the sub region. Here are recommendations addressing the identified issues within Islamic youth and special education needs within Islamiyyah Schools.</p> Isiaq Yahya Khadijah Olaniyan-Shobowale Abdul-Ganiy I.S Owoyale Abdul-Rafiu Jamiu Hajarah Sanni Copyright (c) 2024 Isiaq Yahya, Khadijah Olaniyan-Shobowale, Abdul-Ganiy I.S Owoyale, Abdul-Rafiu Jamiu, Hajarah Sanni 2024-04-27 2024-04-27 4 1 18 33 10.37134/firdaus.vol4.1.3.2024 Mufti Harussani's Leadership in Family Institutions: An Analysis of Career Education <p style="font-weight: 400;">Harussani Zakaria is one of the famous former muftis in the state of Perak Darul Ridzuan. The greatness of this figure cannot be denied anymore when he received the Tokoh Ulama Sepang Zaman award which was announced at the Prime Ministerial Council of Ulama-Umara and Islamic Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in 2017. In addition to the busyness of mufti Harussani in leading religious affairs in the state of Perak, he also did not miss out on leading his family members which is the responsibility and trust of every family head. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the leadership of mufti Harussani in family institutions, especially in the scope of career education. This study adopts a qualitative design with a data collection method that is a combination of document content analysis techniques and semi-structured question interviews. Document content analysis methods are used again in data analysis where the results are categorized according to thematic methods. The findings show that there are three characteristics of leadership towards career education that have been applied by mufti Harussani in family institutions, namely, not interfering with children's careers, guidance and encouragement in careers and taking care of children's careers. Further research is needed to see the nature of mufti Harussani's leadership in other scopes so that it can be used as a useful example for the general public.</p> Muhammad Mustaqim Roslan Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Mustaqim bin Roslan 2024-04-27 2024-04-27 4 1 34 43 10.37134/firdaus.vol4.1.4.2024 Gagasan ‘Al-Muallim Ar-Rabbani’ menurut Syeikh Ismail Lutfi Al-Fatoni <p style="text-align: justify;">Tujuan makalah ini adalah untuk memaparkan Dasar Pendidikan Para Rasul, Manhaj At-Tarbiyah An-Nabawiyah<strong>, </strong>Al-Muallim Ar Rabbani: Sifat dan Tanggungjawab, Al Mu'allim Ar Rabbani: Tugas Pentadbir dalam Melahirkan Madrasati Jannati, dan 10 Wasiat Untuk Al-Mu'allim Ar-Rabbani<strong>. </strong>Secara keseluruhannya, gagasan 'Muallim Rabbani' yang dibawa oleh Syeikh Ismail Lutfi al-Fatoni merupakan usaha mendidik manusia menurut didikan Islam dengan ilmu dan ibadat yang benar berdasarkan Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah.</p> Suraiya Chapakiya Copyright (c) 2024 Suraiya Chapakiya 2024-04-27 2024-04-27 4 1 44 50 10.37134/firdaus.vol4.1.5.2024 Islamic Religious Education Management for Elementary School Students in Islamic Educational Institutions <p>This paper aims to analyse the process of Islamic education in Elementary Schools. It is assumed that the curriculum guides students to achieve the expected goals. In addition to developing intelligent and competent human resources, education must focus on religion, morality, noble morals, and culture. This research method is qualitative with library research; researchers use theories and relationships between variables or effects from books and online journals from Mendeley, Google Scholar and other online media. The results of the study indicate that Islamic religious education at the Elementary School level is moderate Islamic religious education. Students are invited to study Islamic teachings on how to respond to many things politely or prioritise tolerance. Students are taught morals in a broader relationship through the subjects of aqidah, the history of Islamic culture in the Qur'an, and morals in their relationship with Allah SWT, themselves and nature. Teachers are positioned as individuals who understand the basic teachings of the Qur'an and Islam and teach as directors and mentors of students.</p> Afiful Ikhwan Mutiara Faadhila Ali Rohmad Anisah Triyuliasari Copyright (c) 2024 Afiful Ikhwan, Mutiara Faadhila, Ali Rohmad, Anisah Triyuliasari 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 4 1 51 67 10.37134/firdaus.vol4.1.6.2024