Islamic Education Management in the Perspective of the Quran and Hadith
Islamic education management, Quran, HadithAbstract
Before the word management became familiar in the world of education, Islam already recognized an orderly life structure with the presence of a leader (Caliph). In the Quran there are also verses that explain the principles of Islamic education management, namely the verses of the Quran which mention monotheism, caliphate, and trust which are the main keys to character formation in an organization or institution that has the same goal. The Quran is the main source of law for Muslims, and is a guide in living life, as well as a guide for all humans, while the Hadith or Sunnah is the second source of law after the Quran which functions as an explanation, which comes from words, deeds and decrees of the Prophet Muhammad. This research aims to examine the views of the Quran and Hadith regarding Islamic Education Management. This research uses a library research method with a thematic approach (tafsir maudhu'i). The results obtained from the literature review, it turns out that there are many verses from the Quran and hadith that mention Islamic education management, although it cannot be denied that in discussions of Islamic education management it is still related to the term POAC, namely Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling, which is a function in management.
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