Digitization of Zakat and Charity BAZNAS Tangerang City through Crowdfunding Platform tangerangsedekah.id
digitalization, Zakat, Charity, crowdfunding, BAZNASAbstract
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of crowdfunding platforms in increasing zakat and charity collection in BAZNAS Tangerang City. Digitization of zakat and charity is one way of paying zakat and charity without knowing time and location restrictions. Tangerangsedekah.id is an online crowdfunding platform provided by BAZNAS Tangerang City as one of the effective, efficient, and transparent steps in collecting zakat and charity funds. This study used qualitative descriptive methods with in-depth interviews with BAZNAS Tangerang City staff and tangerangsedekah.id platform users. The results showed that digitizing zakat and charity through crowdfunding platforms can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of collecting zakat and alms funds. This platform is also able to increase transparency in the management of zakat and alms funds. However, efforts are needed to expand the reach of this platform so that more people are involved in collecting zakat and alms funds so that funds are collected through tangerangsedekah.id platform can be more optimal
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