SIBAWAYH Arabic Language and Education <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>SIBAWAYH: Arabic Language and Education (eISSN 2716-5515) </strong>is a world-wide journal which encourages academic discussions and collaborative literary works among the scholars, academicians, educationalists, and policy-maker of Arabic language studies and pedagogy. The journal focuses wide range of topics under the areas of Arabic language, literature, linguistics and pedagogy in international contexts. The journal is published <strong>twice a year</strong> <strong>(April and October start at 2024)</strong> and comes out as an electronic form.<br /><img src="" /> </p> en-US (Dr. Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani) (Faculty of Languages and Communication) Sun, 10 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 واقع تعليم اللغة العربية وتعلّمها في نيجيريا وقضية اتجاهات جديدة <p>لقد مرّ للتعليم العربي تعليمها وتعلّمها في نيجيريا بأطوار تاريخيّة متعاقبة تغيّرت معها أغراض التعليم منها؛ الغرض الديني المحض، ثمّ تدهور الوضعُ إبّان فترة الاستعمار البريطاني وما بعدها إلى اليوم فأصبحت اللغة العربية تتعلّم للغرض الثقافي والاجتماعي، ويندرج ضمن هذا الغرض الذي جعلت العوامل الحديثة (الدبلوماسية، الاقتصادية، والاجتماعية) أهدافا وأغراضا أخرى للغة العربية، وأن لبست اللغة العربية اتجاهات جديدة في تعليمها وتعلّمها، فأصبح أهداف التعليم العربي في نيجيريا كغيرها من الدول خارج الحقل الديني الذي هو هدفه الأساسي، فبلورة هذا البحث المتواضع واقع التعليم العربي وتعلّمه في نيجيريا واتجاهاته الجديدة، كما يزمع البحث في استعراض أغراض التعليم العربي في نيجيريا عبر العصور من حيث الاستمرار والتغيّر، وانطلاقا من هنا يقوم هذا البحث بدراسة تلك التغيّرات التي طرأت على اللغة العربية ووضعها الراهن في نيجيريا مع مراعاة التحوّلات المنظوريّة في اتجاهاتها الجديدة ومراحلها المختلفة، ويظهر راهنيّة اللغة العربية في نيجيريا. ويتمحور هذا البحث على هذه العناوين الجانبية كالتالي: المقدمة، استعراض أغراض التعليم العربي في نيجيريا عبر العصور، واقع التعليم العربي اليوم في نيجيريا، اتجاهات جديدة في تعليم اللغة العربية وتعلمها في نيجيريا، ثم مستقبل التعليم العربي في نيجيريا فالخاتمة</p> <p>He passed the Arabic education and learned it in Nigeria in historical stages and subsequently changed with it the educational purposes of it; The religious purpose, then the deterioration of the situation during the period of British colonialism and after that until today, the Arabic language became learned for cultural and social purposes, and it is included in this purpose that modern factors (diplomatic, economic, and social) made other goals and purposes for the Arabic language, and that the Arabic language changed new directions In its education and learning, the goals of Arabic education in Nigeria, like other countries, have become outside of religious law, which is its primary goal. The result of this humble research is the reality of Arabic education and learning in Nigeria and its new trends, as well as the research in reviewing the goals of Arabic education in Nigeria through the ages in terms of continuity and change. , and starting from here, this research will study those changes that have occurred in the Arabic language and its current state in Nigeria, taking into account the perspective changes in its new directions and different stages, and show the progress of the Arabic language in Nigeria. This research is focused on these side titles as follows: Introduction, review of the purposes of Arabic education in Nigeria through the ages, the reality of Arabic education today in Nigeria, new trends in Arabic education and learning in Nigeria, then the future of Arabic education in Nigeria Conclusion.</p> <p><strong>Keyword:</strong> indeed, Teaching the Arabic language, New trends, Nigeria, to learn</p> Adam Adebayo Sirajudeen, Dr Aminullahi Ahmad Rufai Copyright (c) 2024 Adam Adebayo Sirajudeen, Dr Aminullahi Ahmad Rufai Sun, 10 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 تناظر الجمل في الآية الواحدة من القرآن الكريم (المنهاج الرباني)"آية الدَّين مثالاً" إضاءة قرآنية على مفهوم التنمية المستدامة <p>هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تطبيق المستوى الثالث من مستويات نظرية المجموعات والتناظر في القرآن الكريم وهو تناظر الجمل أو الكلمات في الآية الواحدة(بداية مع بداية، وبداية مع نهاية)؛ للكشف عن كيفية تطبيق الاحكام الفقهية الخاصة بالمعاملات المالية في الإسلام، حفظ حقوق العباد فيما بينهم، والالتزام بأوامر الله تعالى والابتعاد عن نواهيه، وأستخدمت الدراسة منهجية البحث التحليلي، وتكون مجتمع الدراسة وعينته من آية الدَّين آية رقم (282) من سورة البقرة، واستخدم الباحثان الجملة لتحليل النص القرآني، وقائمة تحليل واحدة أداة للدراسة، وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن آية الدَّين عبارة عن منهاج مصغر للقرآن الكريم مكتمل العناصر، تضمنت (13) جملة مكتملة المعنى، منها(9)جمل على شكل أوامر و(4) جمل على شكل نواهي، حيث يكون التعلم من الخاص إلى العام، أي أن ما ينطبق على عقد الدَّين ينطبق على العقود الأخرى مثل: عقد البيع، عقد الزواج، عقد الإيجار، وغيرها من العقود، ويوصي الباحثان بربط القرآن الكريم بالمناهج الأخرى، والتركيز على التعليم كوسيلة لتنمية معارف الفرد ومهاراته واتجاهاته؛ الذي بدوره هو أساس التغيير الذي يحقق أمن المجتمع واستقراره، فصلاح المجتمع مرتبط بصلاح أفراده الذين هم أساس التنمية المستدامة.</p> <p>This study aimed at applying the third level of groups theory and symmetry in the Holy Qur’an, which is the symmetry of sentences or words in one verse (beginning with beginning, beginning with end); To reveal how to apply the jurisprudential provisions related to financial transactions in Islam, to preserve the rights of people among themselves, to abide by the commands of God Almighty and to avoid His prohibitions, the study used the analytical research methodology, and the study community and its sample consisted of the verse of religion, verse No. (282) of Surat Al-Baqara, and the researchers used Sentence to analyze the Qur'anic text, a single analysis list tool for the study, The study concluded that Ayat al-Din is a miniature curriculum for the Holy Qur’an complete with elements, which includes (13) sentences with full meaning, including (9) sentences in the form of commands and (4) sentences in the form of prohibitions, where learning is from the specific to the general, meaning that What applies to the debt contract applies to other contracts such as: sale contract, marriage contract, lease contract, and other contracts. The researchers recommend linking the Holy Qur’an to other curricula, and focusing on education as a means of developing the individual’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Which in turn is the basis for change that achieves the security and stability of society, as the well-being of society is linked to the well-being of its members, who are the basis of sustainable development.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> symmetry of sentences; The Noble Qur’an (The Divine Curriculum); The verse of Debt</p> Hanan Alyounis, Aiman AL-Rawajfeh Copyright (c) 2024 Hanan Alyounis, Aiman AL-Rawajfeh Sun, 10 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 المدح في الشعرالعربي لإسحاق نصر الدّين: دراسة تحليلية <p>عنوان هذه الورقة المدح فى شعرإسحاق نصر الدين: دراسة تحليلية. يعد إسحاق نصرالدين من الشعراء الذين لم يتخذوا من الشعر وسيلة للتكسب وبعد الإطلاع على ديوانه وجد الباحث أن له قصائد كثيرة في المدح مما جعله يعتمد على أنّه كان صادقا في مدحه وأن الممدوحين الذين نالوا من الشاعر هذه المدائح كانوا جديرين بالمدح، وفي هذا البحث تناول الباحث الثلاثة من قصائد حسن إسحاق نصر الدين ودرسهم دراسة نقدية. والمنهج المتبع هو المنهح التحليلي ويهدف الباحثإلي نقد الأساليب الفنية في القصائد وتوصل الباحث إلي أن الشاعر متميز في المدح.</p> <p>كلمات مفتاحية: النقد, الشعر, القرآن, العيوب, والقافية</p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong> </strong></p> <p>The title of this paper is Praise in the Poetry of Ishaq Nasr al-Din: An Analytical Study. Ishaq Nasr al-Din is considered one of the poets who did not use poetry as a means of earning money. After reviewing his collections, the researcher found that he had many poems in praise, which made him rely on the fact that he was sincere in his praise and that the praised people who received these praises from the poet were worthy of praise. In this research, the researcher addressed The three poems of Hassan Ishaq Nasr al-Din and he studied them critically. The method followed is the analytical approach, and the researcher aims to criticize the artistic methods in the poems. The researcher concluded that the poet is distinguished in praise.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> criticism, poetry, the Qur’an, flaws, and rhyme</p> Rahman Lawal Copyright (c) 2024 Rahman Lawal Sun, 10 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 الجمالية بين تعدد الرؤى واختلاف المفاهيم <p>شكل الجمال محورا أساسيا في النظر الفلسفي العام الذي يشمل المعرفة والوجود والأخلاق، إذلم يكن ممكنا تجاوز الاهتمام الجمالي لإقامة نسق فلسفي متكامل، ذلك أن الجمال حاضر باستمرار ضمن التصور العام الذي يبرر تداخل مبدأ الوجود بنظرية المعرفة بالتصور الأخلاقي. وكثيرة هي الكتب والفلسفات التي درست موضوع الجمال منذ ما قبل أفلاطون وأرسطو في العصر اليوناني وحتى كروتشه والوجوديين والاتجاه الرمزي في العصر الحديث، وقد عنيت هذه الكتب بتناقل الأفكار الأساسية ومقولاتها في علم الجمال، مع بعض فروق وميزات بين هذه الفلسفة أو تلك.</p> <p>ويبقى موضوع الجمال من المواضيع التي تطرح إشكالات تدور حولها آراء وأفكار عديدة، يتفق بعضها ويختلف بعضها الآخر، إذ يصعب تأطيره وتحديد جوهره وكذا الإلمام بكل جوانبه. هذا ما سنحاول الوقوف عنده من خلال هذا البحث.</p> <p>Beauty formed an essential axis in the general philosophical view that includes knowledge, existence, and ethics. It was not possible to go beyond the aesthetic interest to establish an integrated philosophical system, because beauty is constantly present within the general perception, which justifies the overlap of the principle of existence with the theory of knowledge with the moral perception, and there are many books and philosophies that have studied the subject of beauty. From before Plato and Aristotle in the Greek era until Croce, the existentialists, and the symbolic trend in the modern era, these books were concerned with transmitting the basic ideas and their categories in aesthetics, with some differences and features between this or that philosophy.</p> <p>The topic of beauty remains one of the topics that raises problems around which many opinions and ideas revolve, some of which agree and others differ, as it is difficult to frame it and determine its essence, as well as to be familiar with all its aspects. This is what we will try to find out through this research. </p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> beauty - aesthetics - art - philosophy - literature</p> Hanan Mohamed El Marrakchi Copyright (c) 2024 Hanan Mohamed El Marrakchi Sun, 10 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Causes of Students Facing Difficulties in Speaking Arabic and Methods to Overcome It Among Arabic Students at UPSI <p>This study explores the challenges faced by Arabic language students at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) in speaking Arabic and examines methods to improve speaking skills. This study is a quantitative study, using a questionnaire as the main instrument. The study involved 108 participants selected through simple random sampling. The results of the study revealed several key challenges, including shyness and fear of ridicule when speaking in Arabic, insufficient mastery of grammar, and lack of encouragement to use Arabic in an academic setting. Although the teaching materials are seen as sufficient, students express the need for more interesting teaching to increase motivation and interest in speaking skills. To address this challenge, among the methods that can be used is to create a learning environment that supports speaking skills, improve the teaching of grammar through interactive methods, encourage the use of Arabic in an academic setting, and provide additional speaking practice opportunities. This study contributes to the existing literature on the teaching of Arabic as a second language and provides insights for educators and researchers who wish to improve the teaching of Arabic.</p> Muhammad Faris Suhaimi, Abdul Salam Ahmad Sabri Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Faris Suhaimi, Abdul Salam Ahmad Sabri Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Strategy to Increase Arabic Vocabulary Size among Secondary School Students in Setiu District, Terengganu <h1>Learning strategies are essential for effective language learning and acquisition, helping students learn new words and strengthen their understanding and application in real-life contexts. Therefore, this study aims to explore Arabic vocabulary learning strategies among students in Setiu district, Terengganu, Malaysia by using qualitative methods. Ten respondents who were selected using purposive sampling techniques participated in this study. All respondents have met the criteria set by the researcher. The results obtained were analyzed using ATLAS.ti software by using a thematic analysis approach. The findings show six main strategies to improve Arabic vocabulary, namely implementing a structured Arabic language program, using correct memorization techniques, combining vocabulary games, creating an Arabic corner, using appropriate teaching aids, and reviewing regularly.</h1> Abdul Salam Ahmad Sabri, Muhammad Faris Suhaimi, Wan Aswadi Wan Ahmed Copyright (c) 2023 Abdul Salam Ahmad Sabri, Muhammad Faris Suhaimi, Wan Aswadi Wan Ahmed Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Elements of Teaching Aids and Environment in Teaching and Learning Arabic in Religious Secondary Schools in Marang Terengganu District <p>Teaching aids play an important role in ensuring the smoothness of the teaching and learning process. The positive aspects of the environment also have an impact on students from various angles including their performance and interest in a subject. Therefore, this study aims to explore teaching aids and the environment in the teaching and learning of Arabic at a Religious High School in Marang district, Terengganu. This study is a qualitative study that uses interviews as the main instrument in the data collection process. A total of 10 Arabic language teachers were selected using sampling techniques to participate in this study. All study participants need to meet the characteristics that have been set by the researcher in order to be able to provide accurate and in-depth information related to this study. The findings show that the main teaching aids that Arabic teachers need to use during the teaching and learning process are textbooks, multimedia technology and games. In addition, the results of the exploration also show that a conducive environment is very important to ensure that the process of teaching and learning Arabic can be carried out smoothly. The infrastructure and commitment of the school administration also play an important role in the effort to revive a positive educational environment.</p> Husna Huda Md Nong Copyright (c) 2023 Husna Huda Md Nong Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Level of Mastery of Arabic Language Communication Skills among Students in Religious Secondary Schools in Kuala Muda District, Kedah Darul Aman <p>Communication is very important in ensuring that information can be delivered accurately. However, communication skills in Arabic among students is still an issue among scholars. Therefore, this study examines the level of mastery of Arabic language communication skills among students in one of the religious secondary schools in Kuala Muda district, Kedah. This study examines from the aspect of students' motivation in communicating in Arabic, the factors that cause lack of vocabulary, the role of teachers in improving students' communication skills. This study is a quantitative study, using a questionnaire as the main instrument. The study involved 80 participants selected through simple random sampling. Data were analyzed descriptively using IBM SPSS software. The results of the study show that motivation plays an important role in students' efforts to learn Arabic, with a strong emphasis on memorizing vocabulary and a positive attitude towards the language. However, challenges such as lack of practice in daily life and fear of grammatical mistakes hinder students' communication ability. Second, the study identified factors that influence the lack of Arabic vocabulary, with the need for teachers to stimulate students' interest in communicating in Arabic being the most significant. This shows that effective teaching strategies, including creative and engaging approaches, are important in promoting language learning. This study contributes to the existing literature on the level of Arabic language communication among students and reveals new findings from the students' point of view related to difficulties in communicating in Arabic.</p> Noor Amrina Rosyada Mohd Sofar Copyright (c) 2023 Noor Amrina Rosyada Mohd Sofar Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Development of interactive PPT media for learning the Arabic language in the seventh chapter of Al-Thanawiyya Islamic Government School 6th of the year of the school year 2022/ 2023 <p>This development research aims to produce an interactive PowerPoint learning media product for learning Arabic in class VII MTsN 6 Boyolali, especially on attaaruf material. This development research describes the stages of developing learning media in the form of interactive multimedia powerpoint, describes the responses of teachers and students to the use of learning media in the form of interactive multimedia powerpoint.This study uses the method (R &amp; D) with a 6-step development model 1). Initial data collection analysis, 2). Product development, 3). Expert validation, 4) product revision, 5) product trial, 6) final data analysis. The population in this study were students of class VII MTsN 6 Boyolali. Sampling using random sampling technique. With this technique, 40 students of class VII were taken from each class A, B, C, D as test subjects. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire in the form of a questionnaire which will be filled out by teachers and students after using the learning media, before being tested, the learning media goes through the stages of media validation and material validation by media experts and material experts. Data analysis techniques use descriptive qualitative, by transforming qualitative data into quantitative data. The results of this development research consist of two aspects, namely describing the stages of developing learning media, and describing user responses. In the aspect of the media development stage, the researcher chose PowerPoint software which was modified into interactive media using the Hyperlink model, developed by looking at aspects of potential and problem analysis and assessed by media experts and material experts, and tested using pre-test and post-test. Assessment from media experts got a percentage of 63% with a decent category, and material experts got a percentage of 89.0% with a feasible category, and at the pretest and posttest trial stages the average score (Mean) was obtained during the pretest, namely 59.50 and for the posttest get an average value of 83.00. for the median, the pretest data has a value of 60, while for the posttest it has a result of 80. For the value that often appears (mode), we can see from the table above that the pretest is 60 and the value that often appears during the posttest is 80. It can be concluded from the above explanation that students experienced a significant increase in average from the previous treatment having an average value of 59.50 which later became 83.00. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an influence on learning Arabic Interactive Powerpoint Media class VII MTsN 6 Boyolali. on aspects of user responses assessed by teachers and students. The assessment obtained from the teacher gets a percentage of 83.5% and the assessment obtained from students gets a percentage of 65%.</p> Mohammad Azam Thohari Azam, Muhammad Nanang Qosim Copyright (c) 2023 Mohammad Azam Thohari Azam, Muhammad Nanang Qosim Mon, 25 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Use of Lughatul Fasli among Arabic Language Training Teachers at Sultan Idris Education University <h1>The Arabic language curriculum has undergone innovation and change with the implementation of the Primary School Standard Curriculum (KSSR) and the Secondary School Standard Curriculum (KSSM). Through this new curriculum, the use of classroom language in teaching and facilitation (PdPc) was first introduced. Lughatul Fasli is the language of classroom management that is always used by teachers as an intermediate language to convey the content of lessons when interacting with students in class. Through the continuous use of Lughatul Fasli, it is able to increase and foster students' interest in learning Arabic. This study uses a qualitative approach to explore this issue involving 25 Arabic language trainee teachers selected through purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews were used as a data collection tool. Thematic analysis was conducted using Atlas.ti software. The findings show that the most frequently used types of lughatus fasli speech are expressions of greeting, instructions, questions, and praise. The majority of study participants think that through the use of lughatul fasli language, this can help students to understand the learning content more easily, as well as increase the size of students' vocabulary. In addition, it can also improve the level of communication skills between teachers and students.</h1> Muhammad Helmi Yakob Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Helmi Yakob Mon, 25 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000