Development of interactive PPT media for learning the Arabic language in the seventh chapter of Al-Thanawiyya Islamic Government School 6th of the year of the school year 2022/ 2023


  • Mohammad Azam Thohari Azam Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Jl. Pandawa, Dusun IV, Pucangan, Kec. Kartasura, Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah 57168, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Nanang Qosim Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Jl. Pandawa, Dusun IV, Pucangan, Kec. Kartasura, Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah 57168, Indonesia



Media, Interactive Learning, powerpoint, Arabic language


This development research aims to produce an interactive PowerPoint learning media product for learning Arabic in class VII MTsN 6 Boyolali, especially on attaaruf material. This development research describes the stages of developing learning media in the form of interactive multimedia powerpoint, describes the responses of teachers and students to the use of learning media in the form of interactive multimedia powerpoint.This study uses the method (R & D) with a 6-step development model 1). Initial data collection analysis, 2). Product development, 3). Expert validation, 4) product revision, 5) product trial, 6) final data analysis. The population in this study were students of class VII MTsN 6 Boyolali. Sampling using random sampling technique. With this technique, 40 students of class VII were taken from each class A, B, C, D as test subjects. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire in the form of a questionnaire which will be filled out by teachers and students after using the learning media, before being tested, the learning media goes through the stages of media validation and material validation by media experts and material experts. Data analysis techniques use descriptive qualitative, by transforming qualitative data into quantitative data. The results of this development research consist of two aspects, namely describing the stages of developing learning media, and describing user responses. In the aspect of the media development stage, the researcher chose PowerPoint software which was modified into interactive media using the Hyperlink model, developed by looking at aspects of potential and problem analysis and assessed by media experts and material experts, and tested using pre-test and post-test. Assessment from media experts got a percentage of 63% with a decent category, and material experts got a percentage of 89.0% with a feasible category, and at the pretest and posttest trial stages the average score (Mean) was obtained during the pretest, namely 59.50 and for the posttest get an average value of 83.00. for the median, the pretest data has a value of 60, while for the posttest it has a result of 80. For the value that often appears (mode), we can see from the table above that the pretest is 60 and the value that often appears during the posttest is 80. It can be concluded from the above explanation that students experienced a significant increase in average from the previous treatment having an average value of 59.50 which later became 83.00. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an influence on learning Arabic Interactive Powerpoint Media class VII MTsN 6 Boyolali. on aspects of user responses assessed by teachers and students. The assessment obtained from the teacher gets a percentage of 83.5% and the assessment obtained from students gets a percentage of 65%.


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How to Cite

Azam, M. A. T., & Qosim, M. N. (2023). Development of interactive PPT media for learning the Arabic language in the seventh chapter of Al-Thanawiyya Islamic Government School 6th of the year of the school year 2022/ 2023. SIBAWAYH Arabic Language and Education, 4(2), 86–98.