The Relationship between Preschool Children’s Anxiety and Life Skills: The Mediating Role of Self-Regulation
Anxiety, self-regulation, life skills, preschool childrenAbstract
The present study examined the mediating role of self-regulation in the relationship between preschool children's anxiety and life skills. Children's anxiety, self-regulation, and life skills were assessed using the "Children's Anxiety Scale-Mothers' Form," "The Self-Regulation Skills Scale for Children aged 4 to 6 (Mothers' Form)," "The Early Childhood Life Skills Scale," and the data obtained from 303 participants who participated in the survey were tested through PLS to SEM. Although preschool children's anxiety is not directly related to life skills, self-regulation fully mediates the relationship between anxiety and life skills. The results provided preliminary evidence for the mechanism by which children's anxiety affects self-regulation and life skills. These findings suggest that the relationship between anxiety and life skills varies according to children's self-regulatory abilities. The findings have practical implications for supporting the development of self-regulation in preschool children.
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