Parental profiles of children with behavior problems in preschool period and teachers' expectations from parents
preschool, child, behavior, parent, family, teacherAbstract
In order to eliminate or minimize the behavioral problems seen in children in the preschool period, the factors affecting these behaviors should be examined in detail. Parental attitudes are one of these factors. The aim of this research is to examine the parent profiles of children with behavioral problems in the preschool period and the expectations of teachers from parents in line with teacher opinions. Qualitative research method was used in the research. The research was carried out within the framework of the phenomenology design. The study group of the research consists of 20 preschool teachers working in Eskişehir. "Maximum variation sampling method" was used to determine the participants. A "semi-structured interview form" was used to collect the research data. During the data collection process, interviews were held with the teachers. Content analysis technique was used in the analysis of the data obtained from the interviews. In the study, 4 sub-themes were reached under the theme of parental profiles of children with behavioral problems in preschool education. These sub-themes are attitude towards child, attitude towards teacher and school, personal characteristics and family environment. The attitudes of the parents of children with behavioral problems towards their children in preschool education are overprotective, authoritarian, liberating, inconsistent behaviors, exposure to the screen, not following the child, not helping, irrelevant, not communicating in a healthy way, comparing with other children, not allocating enough time and unrealistic expectations. In the research, 4 sub-themes were reached under the theme of teachers' expectations from the parents of children with behavioral problems in the preschool period. These sub-themes are expectations for the child, expectations for the teacher, expectations for the education-teaching process, and expectations for the family environment. The expectation of teachers from parents towards the child; setting boundaries, accepting the behavior problem, allocating time, being a role model, getting to know him well, providing socialization, showing love, giving responsibility, caring, understanding his feelings, acting consistently, communicating, playing together and being patient. When the research findings are evaluated in general, it is understood that the parent profiles of children with behavioral problems in preschool period have a multidimensional structure. Accordingly, it can be said that parents' attitude towards the child, attitude towards the teacher and school, In addition, it is understood that teachers have expectations from parents regarding the child, the teacher, the educational process and the family environment.
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