Examining self-awareness through drawing activity among preschoolers with high socio emotional development
self-awareness, socio emotional development, preschoolers, children's painting, drawing activityAbstract
Socio emotional development is an important element in the development of preschoolers. This study aims to identify a high level of socio emotional development among preschoolers. This is a qualitative case study and data were collected through interviews and document analysis. The study involved three participants who were chosen through purposive sampling technique. All three preschoolers were interviewed based on the drawings they made during the drawing activity at school. The study found that high socio emotional development in preschoolers fulfil the characteristics of early childhood development through the themes highlighted in this study, namely; (i) self-confidence; and (ii) ability to interpret emotions. Socio emotional development reflects the learning that a child acquired. In this regard, socio emotional competence is evident when a child reaches the desired level of achievement. Good socio emotional development plays an important role in the development of preschoolers and will help shape their lives in the future. Overall, good socio emotional development among preschoolers contribute to their development and promote good behaviour.
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