Hikayat Johor dan Kepentingannya sebagai Sumber Sejarah Johor Moden: 1833-1895

The Hikayat Johor and Its Significance as a Source of History of Modern Johore: 1833-1895


  • A Rahman Tang Abdullah Universiti Malaysia Sabah


Hikayat, Johor, Sultan Abu Bakar, Malay Historiography


This study examines the Hikayat Johor or the Johor Annals as a significant chronicle in the history of modern Johor. It is preceeded by a brief narration of the author of Hikayat Johor, Major Dato’ Mohd. Said bin Hj. Sulaiman, the private secretary to the late Sultan Ibrahim of Johor (r. 1895-1959). It is then followed by the analysis on several events and issues derived from the hikayat as a means to evaluate its historical value based on existing primary and secondary sources relating to historical development of Johor in the second half of the 19th century. This work was published in 1908 and reprinted ten times from 1911 to 1955 to commemorate Sultan Abu Bakar (r.1862-1892) who laid the foundation of modern Johore sultanate currently presiding in Johore.


Author Biography

A Rahman Tang Abdullah, Universiti Malaysia Sabah

History Programme, School of Social Sciences




How to Cite

Abdullah, A. R. T. (2013). Hikayat Johor dan Kepentingannya sebagai Sumber Sejarah Johor Moden: 1833-1895: The Hikayat Johor and Its Significance as a Source of History of Modern Johore: 1833-1895. Perspektif Jurnal Sains Sosial Dan Kemanusiaan, 5(2), 29–43. Retrieved from https://ojs.upsi.edu.my/index.php/PERS/article/view/1635