Expert Consensus on the Usability of the SLC3DM Model: A Fuzzy Delphi Method Application


  • Faiezah Shamsuddin Faculty of Education, University Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak Faculty of Education, University Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



School Leaders, Leadership Skills, Data-Driven Decision Making, Usability Evaluation, Fuzzy Delphi Method


Each model should undergo a usability evaluation to ensure a model meets the users’ needs and expectations. This is a process of testing the model with real users to measure how user-friendly and effective it is. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate a model of School Leaders Competencies in Data-Driven Decision Making (SLC3DM). The model has been designed and developed using the Design and Development Research (DDR) approach, which involves three phases: the need analysis phase, the design and development phase, and the usability evaluation phase. However, the researcher only focuses on this paper in the third phase. The model was designed using the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) technique, which entailed consensus from a 20-expert panel. The model usability evaluation phase discovered that all 13 components of the SLC3DM model had high expert consensus. Overall, based on the consensus of the experts, the SLC3DM model is appropriate for usage and implementation. As a result, school leaders can benefit from the SLC3DM model, an empirically grounded and tested tool, as it can boost their knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to data-driven decision-making.


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How to Cite

Shamsuddin, F., & Abdul Razak, A. Z. (2024). Expert Consensus on the Usability of the SLC3DM Model: A Fuzzy Delphi Method Application. Management Research Journal, 13(1), 45–55.