Instructional Leadership Practice: A Case Study at Sultan Idris Shah Polytechnic, Sabak Bernam


  • Faridzul Adzli Mad Adim Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia
  • Rosnah Ishak Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia



Instructional leadership, document digitalization, head of department


This study aims to examine the practice of instructional leadership in determining the readiness of employees in the face of change and innovation in the workplace, especially in the document digitization process. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey research design based on a questionnaire. It involves 30 lecturers who hold the position of Head of Department/ Head of Unit who are randomly selected at Sultan Idris Shah Polytechnic. Data were analyzed using descriptive tests. The findings of the study consist of the provision of instructional resources, the element of maintaining the attendance rate, the element of the lecturer's professional development study, the study of maximizing instructional time, the study of monitoring student progress, the study of feedback on teaching and learning, and the implementation of the curriculum. Overall, it can be seen that the head of the department at Sultan Idris Shah Polytechnic involved in this study practices the characteristics of instructional leadership by practicing the seven elements that show high results. It proves that the head of the department plays an important role in determining the effectiveness of teaching and learning of lecturers and students. In other words, the head of the department has a broader perspective to ensure that the quality of teaching and learning remains strong and is considered an effective factor in highlighting leadership characteristics directly or indirectly. The study also shows that department heads practice the characteristics of instructional leadership with excellence based on the results obtained. This proves that the feature needs to be a benchmark for other institutions to ensure the quality assurance of leaders as well as the performance of lecturers and students.


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How to Cite

Mad Adim, F. A., & Ishak, R. (2023). Instructional Leadership Practice: A Case Study at Sultan Idris Shah Polytechnic, Sabak Bernam. Management Research Journal, 12, 21–30.