Malaysian Journal of Music <div class="gmail_default" style="text-align: justify;">The <strong>Malaysian Journal of Music (MJM) [ISSN 2600-9366 e-ISSN 2600-9331] </strong>previously known as the Malaysian Music Journal (MMJ) (2012-2017, ISSN : 2232-1020 e-ISSN : 0128-2158 ), is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal that highlights music research and scholarship. It is a forum for music scholars to critically discuss issues related to music. Whilst the journal is based in Malaysia, articles from any region with theoretically robust and empirically engaging content are welcomed. We invite submissions of original articles from a wide spectrum of research areas including musicology, ethnomusicology, music education, performance, composition, music technology, popular music, music therapy and music business. Multidisciplinary research that includes music is also welcomed. Our journal publishes articles in Malay and English bi-annually.<br /><img src="" /><img src="" /><img src="" /> <img src="" /> </div> Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Press en-US Malaysian Journal of Music 2600-9366 The Differences in 21st-Century 4C Skills Among Diverse University Choirs in China <p>Choir singing originated from the choir of Christian churches in medieval Europe and first appeared in the 1st century. However, the focus of choir education had long been on musical knowledge, neglecting the cultivation of practical skills, resulting in variations in skill performance. In the 21st century, choir singing flourished, particularly in Chinese universities. Aligned with modern educational trends, choir singing aimed to foster students' 4C skills: critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. Music educators gradually emphasized skill development, recognizing it as essential for students' future lives and careers. Nevertheless, the cultivation of these 4C skills remained at a preliminary stage, with varying understandings of skills across different universities leading to differing skill levels among choir ensemble students. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the disparities in the development of 4C skills among choir ensemble students from diverse Chinese universities. Three universities of different types were selected for the study, and a quantitative approach was employed through a case study to examine the differences in students' 4C skill development in the 21st century. Because most of the research was qualitative. Researchers distributed an online survey to all students in the music school's choir ensembles of the three universities, collecting a total of 220 valid responses. The analysis revealed that students in universities with a stronger musical emphasis exhibited a positive attitude towards skill cultivation and development. These findings provided valuable insights for the future of diverse forms of choir music education in terms of skill development.</p> NAIXUE BAO YI-LI CHANG KU WING CHEONG Copyright (c) 2024 Naixue Bao, Yi-Li Chang, Ku Wing Cheong 2024-05-08 2024-05-08 13 1 1 17 10.37134//mjm.vol13.1.1.2024 Pythagorean Music Theory and Its Application in Renaissance Architectural Design <p>This article concerns Alberti's approach to architectural design integrates Pythagorean consonance ratios from music theory, not by direct application but as a conceptual guide for aesthetic ratios in buildings. He expands spatial dimensions using methods derived from past artisans, adhering to and building upon the foundational consonance ratios. While applying these two-number proportions to width and length poses no problem, calculating height in a three-dimensional space requires a three-number proportion. Alberti resolves this issue by adopting the mean value strategy from music theory, where the mean is typically the middle value in an octave ratio, to determine the height in the spatial configuration. Alberti advocates for architects to leverage the insights of skilled artisans. However, his own architectural work demonstrates deviations from his theoretical principles. This study highlights Alberti's application of musical intervals such as the major and minor thirds, sixths, and sevenths, which were not traditionally emphasized in the musical science of the quadrivium, focused primarily on octaves, fifths, and fourths. These choices reflect the broader evolution of music during the 15th century, marking a shift towards "practical music" and signaling music's departure from the liberal arts to become a significant element of the fine arts, showcasing the influence of Pythagorean consonance in European music and arts through the 16th century. Thus, this article reflects the interactions between music and architecture of knowledge received from ancient Greek civilization in the Renaissance. The art of music in this period is founded on the philosophy and knowledge of Pythagoras.</p> Sasi Pongsarayuth Suphot Manalapanacharoen Copyright (c) 2024 Sasi Pongsarayuth, Suphot Manalapanacharoen 2024-05-24 2024-05-24 13 1 18 29 10.37134//mjm.vol13.1.2.2024 Financial Challenges in Music and Dance-Based Interventions for Older Adults: <p>Older adults can benefit from the addition of music and dance-based programs to their care. Music and dance-based interventions are a diverse approach to address the unique needs of older people. However, aged care centre and older people are less willing to put in money for such programs. This paper examines the financial issues that surround the provision of music and dance-based interventions for older adults. Systematic search of literature retrieval on Scopus Elsevier, data extraction, and study selection were carried out. After conducting a systematic search on Scopus Elsevier, this paper retrieved 512 publications. Then, after a meticulous screening process and only five publications were suitable for analysis. Thematic analysis categorized into music and dance-based interventions for discussion. Developing and sustaining music and dance-based care programs for older people requires financial resources, such as investment and funding coverage. Dance-based interventions offer potential benefits for older adults; such as improving participation and motivation for rehabilitation in older adults, while music-based intervention helps ease cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia patients.</p> Anna Che Azmi Kai Hong Ooi Suhaily Shahimi Norazlin Ab Aziz Shafaatussara binti Silahudin Copyright (c) 2024 Anna Che Azmi, Kai Hong Ooi, Suhaily Shahimi, Norazlin Ab Aziz, Shafaatussara binti Silahudin 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 13 1 30 42 10.37134//mjm.vol13.1.3.2024