A Delphi Study of Effective Practices for Determining the Competencies of Elementary Music Teachers


  • Benjie M. Manila Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Mariveles, Bataan CampusFAB, Malaya, Mariveles, Bataan
  • Honey Bert G. Dayanan Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Mariveles, Bataan CampusFAB, Malaya, Mariveles, Bataan
  • Gloria S. Santos Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Mariveles, Bataan CampusFAB, Malaya, Mariveles, Bataan
  • Samuel A. Quiroz Department of Education, Schools Division of Bataan




competencies, Delphi, elementary teachers, music education, musical skills


This study aims to determine the competencies essential for elementary music teachers by exploring effective practices and insights of experts in music education. Using a three-round Delphi method with twelve music education experts, the study collected and refined competencies across three stages. In Round 1, qualitative data were thematically analysed to identify competency domains. In Round 2, participants ranked these domains and competencies by importance, with agreement levels assessed using Kendall’s W. Round 3 sought consensus by allowing participants to review collective rankings and explanations. Results revealed seven key domains, with musical skills emerging as the most essential, with the ability to play an instrument being the most important competency.


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How to Cite

Manila, B. M., Dayanan, H. B. G., Santos, G. S., & Quiroz, S. A. (2024). A Delphi Study of Effective Practices for Determining the Competencies of Elementary Music Teachers. Malaysian Journal of Music, 13(2), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.37134/mjm.vol13.2.1.2024