Insight The MOOC Readiness in Sports Studies using Bibliometric Analysis
Bibliometric, MOOC, Online Learning, Readiness, Sports StudiesAbstract
Despite its reputation and global acceptance, MOOC is confronted with some points of criticism regarding the shortcomings of its content, such as scarcity of clarity, unstructured, poor design, and issue of student retention. This study aims to understand the readiness for Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in sports-related studies in Malaysia as sports education is distinctive and is essential to enhance the sustainability of national health development, apart from being the heart of the sports industry. The Scopus database has been chosen as a primary data source, and VOSViewer software has been employed for the bibliometric analysis method to quantitatively and visually evaluate the data. A decade of data from 2011 to 2021 has been analysed. The distribution of authorship, countries' co-authorship and keywords were generated in the form of a network map. Results show that the publications related to MOOC and online learning has increased 100 percent over the last ten years compared to the previous decade. However, there has been a gap in the research on MOOC related to sports education as there is minimal result in the ongoing study. Findings proposed that more research on MOOC readiness is required to understand the MOOC course development and acceptance in sports-related to compensate for the needs of the students from this field of education, especially from the student-athlete group.
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