The Influence of TikTok eWOM on the Purchase Intention of Local Cosmetic Products Among College Students
Electronic-Word of Mouth (eWOM), Digital Marketing, Social Media, Cosmetic ProductsAbstract
This study aimed to discover the importance of electronic word-of-mouth using the TikTok application to the consumers' purchase intention on Local Cosmetics and the significance of eWOM. The advancement of technology has proven to be essential in introducing the product and brand to the market, which needs further investigation. The study aimed to determine the Influence of the use of technology and social media, specifically eWOM in the application TikTok in communicating a product to potential customers by measuring factors such as the relevancy of TikTok eWOM on purchase behaviors, advertisements of products on social media, frequency of exposure, retention to the viewer, the credibility of the product reviewer, quality of videos, the usefulness of information, information adoption and lastly the video content in determining whether these factors have a significant influence to the purchase intention of the Female College Students studying in Metro Manila. The researchers gathered data through purposive sampling to a sample size of 384 students calculated through Cronbach's Formula, which was analyzed using the binary logistic regression model. The study revealed that the variables resulted in most respondents agreeing that it affected their purchase intention. The gathered result of the collinearity test shows that no independent variables were highly correlated with each other, satisfying the non-multicollinearity assumption. Among the predictors, with the help of backward stepwise regression, the best model to use in classifying the significance of the purchase intent of local cosmetic products using TikTok eWOM is the variable' Information Adoption.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Daniela Yzabelle B. Adapon, Alyssa Claire N. Llave, Angelica Cherie C. Mendoza, Joyanne Nerys M. Patenia, Antonio E. Etrata, Jr.

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