ERUDITE: Journal of Chinese Studies and Education 2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Ngoi Guat Peng Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">The <strong>ERUDITE:</strong> <strong>Journal of Chinese Studies and Education [eISSN 2716-5493]</strong> is a peer reviewed Journal. The journal is dedicated to publishing research on new and creative ideas, and disseminating research findings that make original and significant contributions to Chinese Studies and Education field. The journal is published <strong>twice a year (April &amp; October Start 2024) </strong>and comes out as an electronic form. <br /><br />《依大中文與教育學刊》為蘇丹依德理斯教育大學發行的同行匿名評審學術期刊,專門刊載馬來西亞及亞洲地區有關中文及教育研究的學術論文。本學刊每年以電子期刊的形式出版兩期,提供免費閱讀及下載。凡具有原創性、未曾刊載於其他刊物的論文及書評,均歡迎投稿。</p> <p><img src="" /></p> 段玉裁学术源流初探 2023-10-09T09:23:21+00:00 Qianqian Zhang Wue Hiong Ser <p>段玉裁是清代乾嘉时期著名考据学家,学识广博,著述丰富,其代表作《说文解字注》享誉学界。段玉裁家族重德好学,师承戴震,继承和发展了考据学风,在实践、理论方面都有诸多建树;与王念孙、钱大昕等学者交往甚密,常互相讨论切磋;段玉裁还关爱后辈,培养、启发了很多学术新人。对段玉裁学术源流的整理分析之重要性显而易见,本文以人物为点,以时间为线,主要梳理、剖析段玉裁学术生涯中与之家中长辈、师、友及后辈的学术往来,借此展现段玉裁学术源流之面。</p> <p>Duan Yucai was renowned philologist and scholar during the Qianlong and Jiaqing periods of the Qing Dynasty. He possessed extensive knowledge and authored numerous works, with his masterpiece <em>Shuo Wen Jie Zi Zhu</em> gaining great recognition in academic circles. Duan Yucai’s family tradition is virtuous and studious, and he learned from Dai Zhen, inherited and developed the tradition of philological research, making significant contribution in both practical and theoretical aspects. He had close interactions and discussions with scholars such as Wang Niansun and Qian Daxin. Duan Yucai also actively supported and inspired younger academics, nurturing their talents. The importance of analyzing and documenting the academic interactions between Duan Yucai and his teachers, colleagues, and disciples is evident. This paper focuses on individuals as focal points and traces Duan Yucai’s academic career through a chronological perspective, primarily examining his scholarly exchanges with his mentors, peers and successors, thus revealing the academic lineage of Duan Yucai.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>: Duan Yucai, Qianlong and Jiaqing periods, academic communication,<strong><em> </em></strong>Teacher-inherited , inferiors </p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Qianqian Zhang, Wue Hiong Ser 新加坡华人传统社群聚落的时空演变(1819-2000) 2023-10-27T14:50:31+00:00 William Ni <p>本文利用19世纪初的档案地图资料以及部分史料,以新加坡华人会馆、方言社群等地缘组织作为研究对象,从历史地理学视角梳理出新加坡从开埠时期到21世纪初,传统华人社群聚落的起源、类型特点、空间分布、时空演变的脉络;在对相关历史数据汇总分析的基础上,研究华人传统社群聚落空间变迁的驱动因素:早期新加坡多元移民社会特征与新华社会复杂的人口构成是华人传统社群聚落构建的催生力;英国殖民地政府所采取的一系列城镇规划手段是华人传统社群聚落诞生的推动力;而新加坡城市化进程则是华人传统社群聚落加快时空变迁的重要拉升力。</p> <p>This article uses archival map data and some historical materials from the early 19th century, and takes geographical organizations such as the Singapore Chinese Association and dialect communities as the research objects. From the perspective of historical geography, we sort out the traditional Chinese community settlements in Singapore from the opening of the port to the early 21st century. The origin, type characteristics, spatial distribution, and temporal and spatial evolution of the composition is the catalytic force for the construction of traditional Chinese community settlements; a series of town planning methods adopted by the British colonial government are the driving force for the birth of traditional Chinese community settlements; and the urbanization process in Singapore is the acceleration of time and space changes for traditional Chinese community settlements. Important lifting force.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>: Singapore Chinese, opening period, community,settlement,the spatial and temporal evolution</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 William Ni