EDUCATUM Journal of Social Sciences <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>EDUCATUM Journal of Social Science (EJoSS) [ISSN 2289-9391 / eISSN 2462-2443]</strong> is an international peer-reviewed journal published by UPSI Press, Sultan Idris Education University, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia since 2015. EJoSS is devoted to the publication of original research papers, scientific reviews and short communications on various aspects of social science and humanities. Published <strong>twice a year (April &amp; October started 2024)</strong> by UPSI Press.<br /><img src="" /> <img src="" /></p> PKM UPSI en-US EDUCATUM Journal of Social Sciences 2289-9391 Kajian Pengetahuan Kesahihan Literasi kandungan Maklumat Politik di laman sosial Facebook di kalangan wanita Belia di Malaysia <p>Literasi media adalah untuk mengukur penggunaan media dan keupayaan untuk menganalisis maklumat di media. Maklumat yang tidak sahih banyak tersebar di media sosial seperti Facebook, hal ini dapat menyukarkan seseorang untuk menapis dan memproses maklumat yang diterima dengan berkesan. Maklumat politik di media sosial mudah didapati secara provokatif berbanding media konvensional (TV, Radio dan suratkhabar) ini adalah kerana maklumat politik di Facebook tidak disunting menjadi bacaan umum, oleh sebab itu ia mengandungi maklumat provokasi, fitnah dan isu sensasi politik yang tidak dilaporkan dikebanyakkan media konvensional. Terdapat jurang jantina dalam penggunaan kandungan maklumat di Facebook. Ini adalah kerana lelaki lebih cenderung untuk mengetahui maklumat politik berbanding wanita menyebabkan wanita kurang penglibatan dalam bidang politik. Maklumat tidak sahih yang berkaitan dengan isu politik boleh memberi kesan kepada masyakarat dan memberi gangguan kepada politik semasa, ini adalah kerana individu yang menerima kandungan maklumat tidak sahih akan kekal mempercayai maklumat tersebut serta dapat memberi pengaruh kepada tingkah laku. Objektif kajian ini ialah mengenal pasti pengetahuan wanita belia dalam mentafsir kesahihan literasi kandungan maklumat politik di Facebook, dan mengkaji kesan tingkah laku wanita belia terhadap kandungan maklumat politik di Facebook.Kajian ini akan dijalankan melalui kaedah kualitatif iaitu melalui temubual secara mendalam. Informan yang dipilih adalah dikalangan wanita belia berumur 18 tahun sehingga 38 tahun, dan seramai dua orang akan digunakan sebagai informan. Kajian ini akan mengunakan teknik persempelan bertujuan serta menggunakan <em>Atlas.ti</em>. Perbincangan akan menghasilkan tema dan beberapa kategori. Pengetahuan kesahihan literasi kandungan maklumat politik dapat membantu pengguna media sosial untuk membuat keputusan yang berasaskan fakta dan bukan emosi semata-mata. Literasi media yang tinggi dapat mengelakkan individu daripada terpengaruh oleh kesan negatif media dan menimbulkan kontroversi. Kajian akan datang adalah dengan mencadangkan kajian tentang literasi media yang menggunakan wanita sebagai tajuk utama media.</p> Norazmina Najibah Mohd Sani Nor Azura Adzharuddin Mastura Mahamed Copyright (c) 2024 Norazmina Najibah Mohd Sani, Nor Azura Adzharuddin, Mastura Mahamed 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 10 1 1 15 10.37134/ejoss.vol10.1.1.2024 Ecocritical Reading of Land and Landscape in Muhammad Haji Salleh’s Rowing Down Two Rivers: An eco-consciousness approach <p>The Malaysian National Laureate Muhammad Haji Salleh has always been true to his green roots. Even when things are hard, he finds comfort and interest in Motherland's embrace. This paper is aimed to highlight the identity-land symbiotic interconnectedness in Muhammad Haji Salleh’s selected poems through the lens of ecocriticism. In the selected poems we examined the concept of eco-consciousness with the purpose of to better understand how Muhammad Haji Salleh view the concept of personal identity as intrinsically tied to the natural world. Upon detailed analysis of the selected poems, it becomes evident that Muhammad Haji Salleh has never ceased preaching about the plight of the Malaysian land and landscape and the urgent need for worldwide attention. His poetry proves that he utilizes the land and landscape as an iconic form of aspiration and even ecocritically functional and through the application of the concept of eco-consciousness, the researchers conclude that while there are strong and deep connections between humans and their land and landscape, this does not change the fact that humans are more dependent towards nature than vice-versa. The researchers believe that reading more poems by Muhammad Haji Salleh and other Malaysian poets will produce a better and more thorough finding for future research on the topic of the inextricable connection between individual identity and the natural world. Thus, this study shows the implications of developing Malaysian ecocriticism as a means to read literature and to understand the significance of the land-identity attachment in the psyche of Malaysians.</p> Nurul Huda Abdul Hamid Hamoud Yahya Ahmed Mohsen Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Huda Abdul Hamid, Hamoud Yahya Ahmed Mohsen 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 10 1 16 25 10.37134/ejoss.vol10.1.2.2024 The Strength of Islamic Values in Mentoring Entrepreneurs among Lecturers: A Qualitative Study <p>This article is about the study of Islamic values in mentoring start-up entrepreneurs by lecturers. This study was conducted to explore how attachment to Islamic values can be a strength for mentors in the mentoring process. The research method used was qualitative, using an in-depth, semi-structured interview protocol validated by four inter-raters, and Cohen's Kappa rating was 1.00. The empirical finding in this study is that Islamic values greatly help lecturers become good mentors in guiding and supporting the development of entrepreneurs at the IPT. The main message is that, by adhering to Islamic values, it improves the mentoring process of entrepreneurs among lecturers. The new discovery in this study is that it focuses on the values of mentors and not entrepreneurs. The implications of this research are that it can help universities and organisations develop mentoring programmes that incorporate Islamic values to improve entrepreneurial mentoring processes.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>entrepreneurship, mentorship, mentor’s competencies, lecturers, Islamic value</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Noraini Hashim Hariyaty Ab Wahid Copyright (c) 2024 Noraini Hashim, Hariyaty Ab Wahid 2024-04-27 2024-04-27 10 1 26 36 10.37134/ejoss.vol10.1.3.2024