Mengenalpasti faktor imej kedai (KR1M) dalam mempengaruhi pengurusan kos sara hidup

Identify the factor of store image (KR1M) in affecting consumer management in cost of living


  • Noor Fadzlin Abu Bakar Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Maisarah Ahmad Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia



Barangan berjenama persendirian, imej kedai, pengurusan kos sara hidup, Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia


Kajian barangan berjenama persendirian yang telah dilakukan sebelum ini lebih tertumpu kepada pembelian pengguna terhadap barangan berjenama persendirian syarikat swasta. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini memfokuskan kepada peranan Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia (KR1M) yang merupakan kedai barangan berjenama persendirian kerajaan. Objektif kajian ini ialah mengenal pasti dimensi imej kedai yang mempengaruhi pengurusan kos sara hidup. Berdasarkan kajian literatur, peranan KR1M telah diterjemahkan sebagai imej kedai yang merangkumi dimensi barangan, persekitaran, perkhidmatan, kebolehcapaian, reputasi, promosi, fasiliti dan perkhidmatan selepas pembelian. Manakala, keputusan pembelian di KR1M diangkat sebagai pengurusan kos sara hidup. Model psikologi persekitaran iaitu Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) (Mehrabian,1974) telah dijadikan teori asas kepada kerangka kajian ini. Stimulusnya ialah imej kedai, pembeli barangan KR1M ialah organisma dan pengurusan kos sara hidup adalah respons. Sejumlah 330 borang soal selidik yang lengkap diisi oleh pembeli jenama persendirian di KR1M telah berjaya dikumpulkan secara pensampelan mudah di kalangan pembeli barangan KR1M sekitar Lembah Klang. Setelah kajian dijalankan, pengkaji mendapati bahawa imej kedai ialah stimuli penting dalam mendapat perhatian pelanggan bagi membuat pembelian di kedai.


The previous survey in private label brand is more focused on consumer purchases. Consequently, this study focuses on the role of Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia (KR1M), a government initiative, in influencing cost of living management amongst consumers. The purpose of this study is to identify store image dimensions affecting the cost of living. Based on literature review, the role of KR1M is operationalized as store image which includes the dimensions of product offerings, environment, service, accessibility, reputation, promotion, facilities and after sales services. Meanwhile, cost of living management is treated as purchase decision proxy. The environmental psychology model of the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) (Mehrabian,1974) underpins the research framework of this study where stimulus is the store image, the KR1M buyers is the organism and the cost of living management is the response. A total of 330 completed questionnaires were successfully collected in a among KR1M patrons in the Klang Valley. Latest development, the existing KR1M has been upgraded to KR1M 2.0 where the opportunity of offering goods was offered to more than one retailer with the aim to improve the quality and diversity of goods offered. Hence, future research may explore retailer's effectiveness in ensuring the continuity of KR1M. After the study was conducted, the reviewer found that it turned out and was proven that the store's image was an important stimulus in getting the customer's attention to make purchases at the store.

Keywords: private label brand, store image, cost of living, Kedai Raykat 1 Malaysia.




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How to Cite

Abu Bakar, N. F., & Ahmad, M. (2020). Mengenalpasti faktor imej kedai (KR1M) dalam mempengaruhi pengurusan kos sara hidup: Identify the factor of store image (KR1M) in affecting consumer management in cost of living. EDUCATUM Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2), 1–9.