AL-MAKRIFAH Journal of Knowledge and Learning in Islamic Tradition and Culture 2024-02-14T02:47:31+00:00 Associate Professor Dr. Abd Hadi Borham Open Journal Systems <p><strong><em>Al-Makrifah</em> Journal of Knowledge and Learning in Islamic Tradition and Culture (e-ISSN 3009-1268)</strong> is officially initiated by the Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Human Sciences, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia. <em>Al-Makrifah</em> would become a strategic venue as a medium for researchers and academicians in developing their research potentials based on their research, theory, and critical explorations. The journal is published biannually in a year (April and October) in an online version.</p> Development of Usul Fiqh Teaching Module for Secondary School Standard Curriculum (KSSM) Islamic Shariah Subject 2023-11-10T12:41:44+00:00 Rohana Mohd Nawi Murihah Abdullah Mohd Afifi Bahurudin Setambah Zuraidar Badaruddin <p>This article is a concept paper which aims to develop a Usul Fiqh teaching module in the subject of Islamic Sharia Education for form four students, based on Imam Syafie's Manhaj. The module designing process follows the methodology instructional design guidelines and principles as outlined in Imam Syafie's Manhaj to ensure an effective learner-centered approach. The needs analysis of research involves identifying the needs of teachers in terms of content, teaching methods and learning outcomes. A comprehensive study of the KSSM curriculum (Standard Secondary School Curriculum) of Islamic Sharia Education at the forth level was carried out by focusing specifically on the topic Usul Fiqh. This study is qualitative research and the methodology is based on content analysis and literature review and interview. Interview sessions were conducted with the teachers to uncover real issues and problems in the teaching of Usul Fiqh and to take their views and ideas in improving the modules that will be developed.</p> 2024-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rohana Mohd Nawi, Murihah Abdullah, Mohd Afifi Bahurudin Setambah, Zuraidar Badaruddin Analisis kesalahan sebutan Huruf-huruf Al-Quran dalam kalangan pelajar dewasa di Pusat-pusat Pengajian Al-Quran Zon Utara semenanjung Malaysia 2023-10-12T00:50:12+00:00 Wan Muhammad Hafizuddin Wan A. Halim Abdul Jalal Abdul Manaf Abd Rahman Abd Ghani <p>Isu kelemahan dalam melafazkan huruf-huruf al-Quran secara sempurna dan tepat dilihat masih berlaku dalam kalangan pelajar dewasa di pusat-pusat pengajian al-Quran walaupun telah melalui bimbingan bacaan al-Quran untuk satu tempoh masa yang tertentu. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti dan menganalisis huruf-huruf al-Quran yang dilafazkan secara tidak tepat dari sudut <em>makhraj, sifat </em>dan <em>lahjah</em> dalam kalangan pelajar dewasa di pusat pengajian al-Quran dewasa di PPQM Quranic Centre, Tartil Centre dan Al-Jazari Centre. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kuantitatif. Data telah dikumpul dengan intrumen set ujian kualiti bacaan dari enam kategori ayat al-Quran yang dijalankan terhadap 70 responden yang terdiri daripada pelajar dewasa yang sedang menyertai program <em>Talaqqi</em> al-Quran Riwayat <em>Hafs</em> <em>One To One</em> di PPQM Quranic Centre, Tartil Centre dan Al-Jazari Centre. Keputusan ujian mendapati 20 huruf yang disebut secara tidak tepat oleh responden yang mana huruf tertinggi adalah huruf <em>Zai</em> (75.7%) diikuti <em>Dhad</em> (72.8%). Huruf terendah adalah huruf <em>Ta</em> (7.1%) diikuti huruf <em>Shin</em> (8.5%). Kajian juga mendapati tiga bentuk kesalahan sebutan huruf-huruf al-Quran yang mana yang tertinggi adalah ketidaksempurnaan <em>sifat </em>huruf iaitu melibatkan 14 huruf (70%), diikuti kecenderungan <em>lahjah</em> bukan kearaban sebanyak 11 huruf (55%) dan ketidaktepatan <em>makhraj</em> huruf melibatkan 9 huruf (45%). Implikasi kajian meunjukkan keperluan kepada pihak-pihak yang berkaitan dalam merancang dan melaksanakan pengajaran yang berkesan dalam meningkatkan kualiti sebutan huruf-huruf al-Quran secara lebih bersasar dalam kalangan orang dewasa di Malaysia.</p> 2024-01-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wan Muhammad Hafizuddin Wan A. Halim, Abdul Jalal Abdul Manaf, Abd Rahman Abd Ghani Penggunaan Ilmu Qira’at dalam Ayat Hukum berdasarkan Tafsir Al-Quran di Nusantara 2023-10-31T06:41:29+00:00 Sukhairu Sulaiman Mohamad Marzuqi Abdul Rahim <p>Pentafsiran ayat al-Quran oleh ulama Nusantara mempunyai pelbagai pendekatan dalam menghuraikan sesebuah ayat al-Quran termasuklah ilmu Qiraat. Kebanyakan karya tafsir yang ada di Nusantara menghuraikan maksud dari ayat al-Quran dan perkara-perkara lain yang berkaitan tanpa menghuraikan khilaf Qiraat yang wujud pada ayat tersebut. Kajian ini memfokuskan penggunaan ilmu Qiraat dalam tafsir al-Quran di Nusantara iaitu Turjuman al-Mustafid, Tafsir Nur al-Ihsan dan Marah Labid yang merupakan hasil karangan ulama Nusantara. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ayat-ayat hukum di dalam al-Quran yang mengandungi khilaf Qiraat yang dikemukakan oleh mereka dengan metode yang tersendiri. Kajian yang bersifat kualitatif ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis maklumat yang diperolehi dari sumber primer dan juga sekunder. Kajian mendapati sebanyak 99 tempat di dalam tafsir ini yang membincangkan mengenai ilmu Qiraat samada dari aspek akidah, akhlak dan fiqh yang merangkumi soal ibadah, munakahat, muamalat, jinayah dan jihad. Pecahan dari jumlah tersebut adalah 29 tempat di dalam <em>Turjuman al-Mustafid</em> yang mewakili sebanyak 29 peratus, manakala sebanyak 8 tempat di dalam <em>Tafsir Nur al-Ihsan</em> yang mewakili sebanyak 8 peratus sementara sebanyak 62 tempat di dalam Marah <em>Labid</em> yang mewakili sebanyak 63 peratus. Ini menunjukkan ulama di Nusantara telah menghuraikan ayat-ayat al-Quran di dalam karya mereka dengan kaedah yang tersendiri termasuk penggunaan ilmu Qira’at.</p> 2024-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sukhairu Sulaiman, Mohamad Marzuqi Abdul Rahim Construction and Validation of a Questionnaire on Cultivation of Teaching Innovation for Elementary School Islamic Education Teachers TS25 2024-02-05T23:57:12+00:00 Siti Hazlini Haris Norhisham Muhamad <p>This study aims to develop and validate the TS25 Primary School Islamic Education Teachers Teaching Innovation Culture questionnaire based on factor analysis. Based on the exploration of previous studies, the constructs and items identified as contributing to the Cultivation of Teaching Innovation for Islamic Education Teachers of Primary School TS25 were successfully developed. The questionnaire was verified through face validity and content validity of the instrument involving 9 experts, while construct validity and Cronbach's Alpha reliability, as well as factor analysis of the instrument, were analyzed using the Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) Version 26.0 software. A total of 120 TS25 primary school Islamic Education teachers were involved in this study. The findings of the study found that the results of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett test against all coefficients were significant with a KMO value of 0.911 (p = 0.000), which shows that a value of 0.90 or above is impressive. These results show that all coefficients have sufficient factorability values, ​​and the factor analysis can be continued. The factor loading for each item is in the range of 0.712 to 0.949, while the result of Cronbach's Alpha analysis is 0.91. Good validity and reliability results confirm that this questionnaire is suitable to be applied in real studies.</p> 2024-03-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Hazlini Haris, Norhisham Muhamad Waqf Practise for Non-Muslim According to Islamic Scholars Perspective in Osmanlı Caliphate Rule 2024-02-14T02:47:31+00:00 Nur Ainul Basyirah Alias Sri Wahyu Sakina Ahmad Sanusi <p><em>Waqf</em> is indeed an Islamic practice aimed at providing welfare to the community. This practice has always been pioneered by Muslims in every territory of Islamic rule while the <em>waqif</em> is not required to be Muslim. However, the number of <em>waqf</em> performed by non-Muslims during the Ottoman rule was very significant either to their religious group or given to general benefit. Therefore, the discussion aims to examine the concept &amp; implementation related to <em>waqf</em> of the non-Muslims that was recorded in the Ottoman era. This study uses the literature review method in collecting data from various authoritative sources and then analyzed using a thematic approach. This research identified that the practice of waqf by non-Muslims in Ottoman rule was implemented and recorded same as <em>waqf</em> performed by Muslims. Non-Muslims perform <em>waqf</em> for their religious purposes and public welfare however, there are various issues involving waqf land on which non-Muslim houses of worship are built. In conclusion, the exposure related to concept and the implementation of non-Muslim waqf is seen as important in providing input and knowledge to the general public in fact, it helps the waqf management in examining this situation if any non-Muslims want to practise it.</p> 2024-04-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Ainul Basyirah Alias, Sri Wahyu Sakina Ahmad Sanusi