Author Guidelines
Information For Authors
- Length: Should be about 5,000 to 6,000 words (single spaced) including figures and references and in Times New Roman with 12pt font.
- The first paper: before the text, should have on the centred of the page in this order the title of the article and the name(s), institutional affiliation(s), country/countries of the author(s) and email of the corresponding author.
- Abstract: the main text should be preceded by an abstract of 100 to 200 words summarizing the article.
- Keywords: should have about four to five words.
- Table and illustrations: tabular material should have a centred heading"table". Presentations of non-tabular material should have centred heading "Figure". The source should always be cited. Tables and figures should be placed at the end of the article and in camera-ready format.
- Quotations: long quotations should be single-spaced and each line should be indented 7 spaces.
- Footnotes: author should avoid using footnotes and incorporate any explanatory material in the text itself. If unavoidable, they should be endnotes, at the end of the article.
- References: Melati and Zuwati (2005) or Bakhtiar et al. (2007) in the case of three or more authors. However, the names of all authors should appear in the bibliography at the end of the article.
- Bibliography at the end of the article: references should be listed in alphabetical order under the heading "References". Example of the references style used in the Journal are:
- For Periodicals: Jacobson, S. (2011). Leadership effects on student achievement and sustained school success. International Journal of Educational Management, 25(1), 33-44.
- For books: KIng, N.and Anderson, N. (2002). Managing innovation and change: A critical guide for organizations. Australia: Thomson.
- For chapter in book: Thompson, B. (2000). Ten commandments of structural equation modeling. In L. Grimm & P. Yarnell, eds. Reading and understanding more multivariate statistics. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 261-284.
- Full addresses and telephone numbers should be given. In the case of multi-authored papers, indicate the author to whom all correspondence should be sent.