

  • Jean Penny Sultan Idris Education University


The Malaysian Music Journal highlights music scholarship from, and of relevance to, Malaysia and the ASEAN region. As the country is undertaking exponential development, and our own music faculty student numbers at the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris surge ahead, the musical discourse within Malaysia, defining of multilayered artistic practices, the living heritages and the unique cross cultural mix of the country is both enthralling and critical. Added to this, an emergent interculturality and connection to interdisciplinary artistic context is facilitating a transformative artistic power on individuals, music education and cultural understandings. These circumstances can be articulated as an unfolding of ‘knowing from the inside’ of artistic and educational practice, a correspondence though music, and an appreciation of divergent ways of thinking – elucidated through scholarly reflection and critique. In university settings here, new understanding of divergent multi-disciplinary approaches, and the rich contributions artists and scholars can make, is strengthening. The Malaysian Music Journal aims to support and sustain this development through knowledge exchange, creative stimulation, and cultural inclusivity. This issue presents an eclectic group of articles, ranging from gamelan pedagogy to music industry to traditional and current performance practice and issues, and composition analysis and process – truly interdisciplinary and intercultural.


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How to Cite

Penny, J. (2014). Editorial. Malaysian Journal of Music, 3(1), v-vi. Retrieved from https://ojs.upsi.edu.my/index.php/MJM/article/view/1149